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I am using firebase functions and am trying to enqueue a function from within a RTDB onWrite trigger, so far I either get errors or nothing happens, I also cannot find anything useful online, and even the firebase docs aren’t much of a help…

This is my Realtime DB trigger function which is supposed to enqueue the firebase function.

Attempt #1

exports.onUserBasketUpdated = functions
  .onWrite(async (change, context) => {
    const queue = getFunctions(, "my-region").taskQueue(
    await queue.enqueue(
        id: 1,
        dispatchDeadlineSeconds: 60 * 1, // 1 minute
    return { data: "ok" };

Attempt #1 Results:
Error: "ReferenceError: queue is not defined"

Attempt #2:

exports.onUserBasketUpdated = functions
  .onWrite(async (change, context) => {
    await functions
      .enqueue({ message: "hello" });
    return { data: "ok" };

Attempt #2 Result:
Error: "TypeError: functions.taskQueue is not a function"

The function which I am trying to enqueue:

exports.expireUserBasket = functions
  .runWith({ timeoutSeconds: 120 })
    retryConfig: {
      maxAttempts: 5,
      minBackoffSeconds: 60,
    rateLimits: {
      maxConcurrentDispatches: 6,
  .onDispatch(async (data) => {"data from the scheduled function", data);

Any help is greatly appreciated 🙂



  1. The documentation is pretty good on this feature. Example code is provided.

    In terms of actually calling a particular function, do that directly in your function’s code. That’s how you would call it.

    I don’t believe the Enqueue functions with Cloud Tasks is utilized in your use case.

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  2. As you are getting a queue not defined error, you’ve probably missed this step in the documentation (emphasis mine):

    Deploying the task queue function

    Deploy task queue function using the Firebase CLI:

    $ firebase deploy --only functions:backupApod

    When deploying a task queue function for the first time, the CLI creates a task queue in Cloud Tasks with options (rate limiting and retry) specified in your source code.

    So before trying to deploy and test onUserBasketUpdated, deploy only the expireUserBasket function:

    $ firebase deploy --only functions:expireUserBasket
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