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How can I add only one element to the page that I have added? Now, every time I add a bank, the entire database is pulled out and those banks that have already been added are drawn again.

const sendBankData = () => {
  set(ref(database, "banks/" + bankName.value), {
    bankName: bankName.value,
    interestRate: interestRate.value,
    maximumLoan: maximumLoan.value,
    minimumDownPayment: minimumDownPayment.value,
    loanTerm: loanTerm.value,
    .then(() => {
    .catch((error) => {
      // errorPopUp();
const getBanksFunc = () => {
  const bankRef = ref(database, "banks/");
  onValue(bankRef, (snapshot) => {
    const data = snapshot.val();



  1. Haven’t used Firebase in a long time but if I remember correctly you’d pass the ID of the bank into the ref
    (const bankRef = ref(database, "banks/ID-OF-THE-BANK");

    or you could sort and limit by create date.

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  2. As commented above mentioned.
    You need to pass the ID to get the document you just inserted.

    So for that, you have two options:

    One is to set a custom document Id and get the id you just inserted.
    Or get the doc id with the reference:

    But for Firestore realtime

    const sendBankData = () => {
      set(ref(database, "banks/" + bankName.value), {
        bankName: bankName.value,
        interestRate: interestRate.value,
        maximumLoan: maximumLoan.value,
        minimumDownPayment: minimumDownPayment.value,
        loanTerm: loanTerm.value,
      }).catch((error) => {
          // errorPopUp();
    /* You should be able to get the key from the just inserted document using this: */
    const sendBankData_key = sendBankData.key

    /* Then you should be able to push it, also accordingly the doc, you can insert a blank document, get the key and then update it. Also, you can use transactions to update several times inserted documents and avoid inconsistency. */

    const getBanksFunc = () => {
    const bankRef = ref(database, "banks/${sendBankData_key}");
    onValue(bankRef, (snapshot) => {
      const data = snapshot.val();


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