I want to call my HTTP callable functions in my front-end but cannot import firebase properly. I tried reading the firebase documentation but am still confused.
My questions:
- Do I need to import the firebase SDK in my front-end to gain access to my deployed firebase functions?
Front-end code:
import "../App.css";
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { getFunctions, httpsCallable } from
const functions = require("firebase/functions");
export default function Navbar() {
const getViewCount =
getViewCount().then((result) => {
- If so, how do I do that? (The site is already hosted on firebase). If not, what am I missing here?
Here is my Firebase functions code from the backend:
exports.getViewCount = functions
.runWith({ secrets: ["YOUTUBE_API"] })
.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const youtube = google.youtube({
version: "v3",
auth: process.env.YOUTUBE_API,});
const { count } = await youtube.channels.list({
id: process.env.YOUTUBE_CHANNEL_ID,
part: "statistics",});
const viewCount = count.items[0].statistics.viewCount;
return {
count: viewCount,};
As mentioned by @Konrad it should be
.Based on your attached Error Message it says
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'firebase-function'
. Because you’re entering a wrong syntax.You need to add the Firebase products that you want to use (i.e. the Cloud Functions for Firebase Client SDK), as follows:
You can check this doc here ("Using module bundlers" tab) and Firebase services for web.
I would check your tsconfig file to see what you are targeting. If you used the create-react-app it defaults to es5 and you’ll get the module not found errors