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I have two collections. One collection "User", who contains the user info (name…) And one collection "Post" who contains all posts of my flutter application. A post document contains many fields like a "Title", "Name" of the user. I add an option in my application to allow the user to change his name. But I must change the name in the "User" collection and in all posts it creates in the "Post" collection. How should I do it? Can anyone help me with an example?



  1. There’s nothing magical here. You’ll need to get all post documents for that user with a query, and then update them one by one or in batches.

    I’d also recommend checking out: What is the fastest way to write a lot of documents to Firestore?

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  2. Depends on which firestore are you using.

    For Cloud Firestore:

    You can update like this way, this is the case where you are updating just one field of your user.

    final docRef = db.collection("users").doc("user_id");
    final updates = <String, dynamic>{
      "timestamp": FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
        (value) => print("DocumentSnapshot successfully updated!"),
        onError: (e) => print("Error updating document $e"));

    For updating a nested field:

    // Assume the document contains:
    // {
    //   Title: "Post Tittle",
    //   Name: "Post Name"
    //   user: { id: "1", name: "User Name" }
    //   date: "2022-12-08"
    // }
        .update({"date": "2022-13-08", "": "New name"});

    You can see more details here:

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  3. Assuming there is a user id attached to each post, you can query from the posts collection where the user (that is changing his/her name) id matches the id that is in the post (from the posts collection) and then modify the user property/attribute from the results.

    A sample code would look like this,

    To modify from the user collection

    final docRef = FirebaseFirestore.instance
    final response = await docRef
        .then((value) => value)
        .onError((error, stackTrace) => error);

    To modify from the posts collection where the user is found in a post

    final response = FirebaseFirestore.instance
              .where('name', isEqualTo: 'John')
              .then((value) async {
                  // modify each doc

    Quick Note: use a onError block to check for errors in updating docs.

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