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i am coding a project in Xcode, i have imported my firebase pods already. For some reason, i keep getting this error message and i cant figure out why. Can anyone help? The error message is " Missing required modules: ‘FirebaseAuthInterop’, ‘FirebaseCoreExtension’, ‘GTMSessionFetcherCore "

My code:

import FirebaseStorage    // <---- this is where i am getting my error message

import Foundation

public class StorageManager{
    static let shared = StorageManager()
    // MARK: - Public

here is whats in my pod file:

# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'Chall Champ' do

pod ‘Appirater’

pod ‘Firebase/Core’

pod ‘Firebase/Auth’

pod ‘Firebase/Database’

pod ‘Firebase/Analytics’

pod ‘Firebase/Crashlytics’

pod ‘Firebase/Storage’


i tried updating my podfile and also restated Xcode to see if it was on there end



  1. Update to the Podfile platform :ios, '11.0'

    Recent versions of Firebase require at least iOS 11

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  2. Update your podfile and try

    pod 'FirebaseAuth'
    pod 'FirebaseStorage'
    pod 'FirebaseCore'
    pod 'FirebaseCoreExtension'
    pod 'FirebaseAuthInterop'
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