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I’m currently creating an Android app that is for quizzes and the quizzes’ questions are mainly textual but a small amount of them will be audio or images, Which Firebase service should I use to store the data for those questions in addition to linking the users that are signed in the app with firebase authentication with the quizzes questions’ data?

And the admin of the app wants to upload the data himself as CSV, mp3 , jpg regularly from time to time
He has little technical knowledge so the process of uploading should be fairly easy

Many thanks in advance I’m so desperate for a solution

I tried using Firestore but I knew that it’s for small file sizes so images and audio can’t be there



  1. The first requirement for a Firebase-based quiz app is Firebase Storage. There should be a form for the admin to add questions and multiple options. Additionally, there should be an option to attach files, which can be stored on Firebase Storage. The attachment’s URL should then be stored in Firebase Realtime Database, along with other data such as questions and options. In the Realtime Database, you can also store the options selected by users and their scores.

    For user login, you can utilize mobile number authentication, which is a trendy approach.

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  2. I’m currently creating an Android app that is for quizzes and the quizzes’ questions are mainly textual but a small amount of them will be audio or images.

    For text, I recommend you use either Firestore or the Realtime Database. Which is best? It’s hard to say without knowing the exact queries that you intend to perform. So it depends on the use case of your app. In this case, I recommend you check:

    When it comes to storing files, the best option that you have is to use Cloud Storage for Firebase.

    All the above Firebase Products are working hand in hand with the Firebase Authentication.

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