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What should I do when I try to connect Appium to an application developed by Flutter on iOS?

I problem issue related to this error.

enter image description here

how to solve this problem.

execute test app ios flutter pass.



  1. You will need to create an instrumented build that exposes the websocket url, i.e "ObservatoryWsUri" in this case. Without exposing this ws url you may not be able to communicate with dart VM layer, in other words flutter automation is not possible.

    In order to expose this URL may can try to talk to your flutter developer to include below line of code in entrypoint(main.dart) file and provide instrumented build to you.

      commands: [],
      finders: []
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  2. Can we automate the release build by adding this code in main.dart

    enableFlutterDriverExtension( commands: [], finders: [] );

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