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The following is the outline of a function in a Flutter application which retrieves from a database and maps the result set to objects:

class SQLHelper {
  static Future<List<MyObject>> retrieve(int moduleId) async {
    final db = await openDatabaseFromAssets('myTable.db');

    final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db
        .rawQuery('SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE moduleid = ?', [moduleId]);

    return List.generate(maps.length, (i) {
      return const MyObject(
          // pass result set to MyObject constructor

Future<Database> openDatabaseFromAssets(String dbName) async {
  // Get the temporary directory (cache)
  final directory = await getTemporaryDirectory();

  final path = join(directory.path, dbName);

  // Check if the database file exists
  final exists = await File(path).exists();

  if (!exists) {
    // Copy from assets
    ByteData data = await rootBundle.load('assets/db/$dbName');
    List<int> bytes =
        data.buffer.asUint8List(data.offsetInBytes, data.lengthInBytes);

    // Write and flush the bytes written
    await File(path).writeAsBytes(bytes, flush: true);

  // Open the database
  return await openDatabase(path);

When debugging, the openDatabaseFromAssets method is called as expected, but after the following line:

directory = await getTemporaryDirectory();

the debugger stops after the line which calls the retrieve method. As no data is yet retrieved, there is a null error. Then, the application continues in the openDatabaseFromAssets function, on the line after the call to getTemporaryDirectory.

The retrieve method is called as follows:

  List<Sentence> getMyObjects(int moduleId) {
    List<MyObject>? sss;
    Future<List<MyObject>> s = SQLHelper.retrieve(moduleId);
    s.then((value) => sss = value);
    return sss!;

getTemporaryDirectory is defined in path_provider.dart.

In pubspec.yaml, db path is declared as follows:

    - assets/db/

What could account for this?




  1. The problem might be with the use of const in the List.generate method, as you cannot use const with asynchronous operations.

    Here’s the corrected code:

    class SQLHelper {
      static Future<List<MyObject>> retrieve(int moduleId) async {
        late Database db;
        db = await openDatabaseFromAssets('myDB.db');
        final List<Map<String, dynamic>> maps = await db.rawQuery('SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE moduleid = ?', [moduleId]);
        return List.generate(maps.length, (i) {
          return MyObject(
            // pass result set to MyObject constructor
    Future<Database> openDatabaseFromAssets(String dbName) async {
      // open the database and return it
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  2. I think there is an issue in the query retrieving list type in the retrieve function. Try with dynamic map list type, like below:

    static Future<List<MyObject>> retrieve(int moduleId) async {
        Database? db;
        db = await openDatabaseFromAssets('myDB.db');
        if(db == null) {
         print("error in db opening");
         return [];
        else {
         final List<Map> maps = await db
            .rawQuery('SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE moduleid = ?', [moduleId]);
         return List.generate(maps.length, (i) {
          return const MyObject(
              // pass result set to MyObject constructor
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