I Have a list that contains some details based on date, like daysummarymodel.
in my app tapping on any date..it should show its summary and that i am using following code
final daySummeryModel=daySummeryList.where((element) => element.dateTime.isSameDate(date)).toList().first;
its working fine but if there is no summary of given date..its showing error like bad state
how to return null if no summary found..so that i can check later if its null nothing to do
class DaySummeryModel
DateTime dateTime;
int entries;
double expenseTotal;
double incomeTotal;
DaySummeryModel({required this.dateTime,required this.expenseTotal,required this.incomeTotal,required this.entries});
double get balance=>incomeTotal-expenseTotal;
The issue occurs because .first throws an error when the list is empty. Here are a few ways to solve this:
Using firstOrNull (Recommended for Dart 2.12+):
If you’re using an older version of Dart or prefer more explicit control, you can use a different approach:
Please check the list
before take first from list :