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I’m trying to save records in the cloud firestore using flutter. The thing is that it only adds one element and keeps updating its values whenever I add a new one through the app.

Here is my code:

Future addInterventionToDB(String userId, String etat, String op, String iv) {
    return FirebaseFirestore.instance
      'etat': etat,
      'operateur': op,
      'intervention': iv,
      'userId': user!.uid

and here is the function used in the UI part!

  String etatLabel = "";
  String operateur = "";
  String intervention = "";

  addIntervention(String etatt, String op, String iv) async {
    String currentUser = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser!.uid;
    if (currentUser != null) {
      DatabaseMethods().addInterventionToDB(currentUser, etatt, op, iv);

and here is the button where I did the call of the method:

onPressed: () async {
                    await addIntervention(etatLabel, operateur, intervention);                   

Noting that the values are extracted from chips (selected value of each chip).
I don’t know what’s wrong in here, tried updating the state of the variables each time a new selection takes place, but still having the same issue.



  1. The code is correct but since you might be using the same UID the data is being overwritten in the collection. Refer to this site for more insight about using firestore. Hope this helps. Happy Coding 🙂

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  2. Since you passed the userId as the doc id, it keeps on overwriting it.


    return FirebaseFirestore.instance
          'etat': etat,
          'operateur': op,
          'intervention': iv,
          'userId': user!.uid


    return FirebaseFirestore.instance
          'etat': etat,
          'operateur': op,
          'intervention': iv,
          'userId': user!.uid

    But in this case, it adds random doc id. So you cannot fetch with userId. But you are already adding the userId as a field inside the document with this line 'userId': user!.uid. So you can fetch with that.

    Hope it helps! Happy coding:)

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  3. This is happening because you are setting .doc(userId).set({}) the data (read more here). What you have to do is let firebase auto-generate unique uids for every document added. Check out a modified version of your code

    Future addInterventionToDB(String userId, String etat, String op, String iv) {
        return FirebaseFirestore.instance
          'etat': etat,
          'operateur': op,
          'intervention': iv,
          'userId': user!.uid

    to read the data of a particular userId,

    final query = FirebaseFirestore.instance
                .collection("interventions").where("userId", isEqualTo:user!.uid).get();
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