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in the google maps plugin for flutter it is posable to draw a polygon shape using a list of points.
here is an example of creating a polygon in the shape of a circle around a given center with a radius of 1000 meters using 50 points:

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final List<LatLng> polygonCoordinates1 = <LatLng>[];
final int points = 50;
double degreesPerPoint = 360 / points;
final double radius = 1000;
final LatLng center1 = LatLng(37.422, -122.084);

  for (int i = 0; i < points; i++) {
      double radians = degreesPerPoint * i * Math.pi / 180;
      double lat1 = center1.latitude + radius / 111000 * Math.cos(radians);
      double lng1 = center1.longitude + radius / (111000 * Math.cos(center1.latitude * Math.pi / 180)) * Math.sin(radians);
      polygonCoordinates1.add(LatLng(lat1, lng1));
 Polygon circle1 = Polygon(
      polygonId: PolygonId('myCircle1'),
      points: polygonCoordinates1,
      strokeWidth: 2,

   return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text(widget.title),
      body: Center(
        child: GoogleMap(
          polygons: <Polygon>{ circle1},
          initialCameraPosition: const CameraPosition(
            target: LatLng(37.422, -122.084),
            zoom: 15,

my problem is when trying to create a single polygon using 2 or more centers. in other words as if trying to show an area a user covered while walking.

combining all points of both circles isn’t working. it is also drawing the overlapping points. how do I get a list of points in the right order that aren’t overlapping?



  1. Try This One

    class CirclePolygon extends StatefulWidget {
      _CirclePolygonState createState() => _CirclePolygonState();
    class _CirclePolygonState extends State<CirclePolygon> {
      LatLng _center = LatLng(37.4219999, -122.0840575); // initial center of the circle
      int _points = 50; // number of points to create the polygon
      double _radius = 1000.0; // radius of the circle in meters
      List<LatLng> _polygonPoints = <LatLng>[];
      void initState() {
      void _calculatePoints() {
        // clear existing polygon points
        // calculate the angle between each point
        final double deltaAngle = 360.0 / _points;
        // add points to the polygon
        for (int i = 0; i < _points; i++) {
          double angle = deltaAngle * i;
          double lat = _center.latitude + (_radius / 111000) * math.cos(angle * math.pi / 180.0);
          double lng = _center.longitude + (_radius / (111000 * math.cos(_center.latitude * math.pi / 180.0))) * math.sin(angle * math.pi / 180.0);
          _polygonPoints.add(LatLng(lat, lng));
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return GoogleMap(
          initialCameraPosition: CameraPosition(
            target: _center,
            zoom: 13.0,
          polygons: <Polygon>[
              polygonId: PolygonId('circle'),
              points: _polygonPoints,
              strokeWidth: 2,
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  2. class MyMap extends StatefulWidget {
          _MyMapState createState() => _MyMapState();
        class _MyMapState extends State<MyMap> {
          GoogleMapController _controller;
          static const LatLng _center1 = const LatLng(37.422, -122.084);
          static const LatLng _center2 = const LatLng(37.45, -122.1);
          Set<Polygon> _polygons = {};
          void _onMapCreated(GoogleMapController controller) {
            _controller = controller;
            // Define the two sets of points for the circles
            List<LatLng> circle1Points = <LatLng>[];
            List<LatLng> circle2Points = <LatLng>[];
            double radius = 1000; // in meters
            int numberOfPoints = 50;
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; i++) {
              double angle = (i * 360 / numberOfPoints) * (math.pi / 180);
              double lat1 = _center1.latitude + radius * math.sin(angle);
              double lng1 = _center1.longitude + radius * math.cos(angle);
              double lat2 = _center2.latitude + radius * math.sin(angle);
              double lng2 = _center2.longitude + radius * math.cos(angle);
              circle1Points.add(LatLng(lat1, lng1));
              circle2Points.add(LatLng(lat2, lng2));
            // Create the two polygons for the circles
            Polygon circle1 = Polygon(
              polygonId: PolygonId('circle1'),
              points: circle1Points,
              strokeWidth: 2,
            Polygon circle2 = Polygon(
              polygonId: PolygonId('circle2'),
              points: circle2Points,
              strokeWidth: 2,
            // Add the polygons to the set
            setState(() {
          Widget build(BuildContext context) {
            return GoogleMap(
              onMapCreated: _onMapCreated,
              initialCameraPosition: CameraPosition(
                target: _center1,
                zoom: 13.0,
              polygons: _polygons,
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