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Is there a function or a way to convert "01 January 2020" , this form of date to milliseconds since epoch?

Currently I am using this approach :

Map months = {
  "Jan": 1,
  "Feb": 2,
  "Mar": 3,
  "May": 5,
  "Jun": 6,
  "Jul": 7,
  "Aug": 8,
  "Sep": 9,
  "Oct": 10,
  "Nov": 11,
  "Dec": 12,

date = "01 January 2020";
var millis = DateTime(int.parse(date!.substring(date.length - 4, date.length)), months[date.substring(3,6)] ,
int.parse(date.substring(0, 2));

I don’t think it is the best approach to use .



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Did it using this approach :

    var value1 = "01 January 2020";
    var dateTimeFormat_v1 =DateFormat('dd MMMM yyyy', 'en_US') .parse(value1.toString());

  2. In order to get millisecondsSinceEpoch from a formatted date string, you need to convert the formatted string to a DateTime object.

    To achieve this, create a DateTime format that matches your date string, using the intl package. For your case, the formatter is;

    DateFormat customDateFormat = DateFormat('dd MMMM yyyy');

    Then parse the date string using customDateFormat, and then you’ll get a DateTime object, which gives you millisecondsSinceEpoch

    DateTime dateTime = customDateFormat.parse(dateString);
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  3. This was somewhat tricky but I managed to make it work, this is a pretty straightforward approach to get your answer:

    void main() {
      String date = "1 January 2022";
    int convert(String date){
      List<String> a = [];
       a = date.split(" ");
      List month = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June","July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
      String converted = "${a[2]}-${(month.indexOf(a[1])+1).toString().length==1 ? "0${month.indexOf(a[1])+1}" : "${month.indexOf(a[1])+1}"}-${a[0].length==1?"0${a[0]}": "${a[0]}"}";
      DateTime a2 = DateTime.parse(converted);
      return a2.microsecondsSinceEpoch;
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