I have a textAheadField and successfully get data from it, i call setState so the data can be saved locally in statefullwidget. and i want to store it in database firestore but inside the update method firestore the variable that i want (imageuniversitycollege) is empty and has not been update like in the setstate should be.
This is the textAheadField
String imageuniversitycollege = "";
Widget CollegeBuildTextAhead() {
return Container(
margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20, vertical: 8),
child: TypeAheadField<SchoolData?>(
hideSuggestionsOnKeyboardHide: true,
debounceDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 500),
textFieldConfiguration: TextFieldConfiguration(
controller: collegeAheadController,
decoration: InputDecoration(
prefixIcon: Icon(Icons.school),
border: OutlineInputBorder(),
hintText: 'Search your school',
suggestionsCallback: SchoolApi.getUserSuggestions,
itemBuilder: (context, SchoolData? suggestion) {
final datasugestion = suggestion!;
return ListTile(
leading: Container(
width: 40,
height: 40,
child: Image.network(
fit: BoxFit.cover,
// leading for image
title: Text(datasugestion.university),
onSuggestionSelected: (SchoolData? choose) {
final datasugestion = choose!;
collegeAheadController.text = datasugestion.university; //this works fine in the update
final String imageuniversitycollege = datasugestion.image;
setState(() {
final String imageuniversitycollege = datasugestion.image;// this is the data i want
print(imageuniversitycollege); //i print it in here its get the usual link of image
The usual elevated button
child: ElevatedButton(
child: const Text(
onPressed: () {
this is the method update, it works but the image is not filled
Future updateEducationCollege() async {
try {
await FirebaseFirestore.instance
"uid": FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser?.uid,
"College": collegeAheadController.text,
"imageCollege": imageuniversitycollege,
}).then((value) => print("Data changed successfully"));
} on FirebaseException catch (e) {
The collegeAheadController.text seems fine still successfully retrieve the data like the image bellow
what should i do? to get this data??
Just change
Instead of updating the existing state variable, you are creating a new local variable. Thats the issue.
Happy coding:)
When you try update your variable you are define new one, change your
to this: