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How would I go about converting a datetime object (e.g. DateTime(2000, 1, 30)) to the worded date (January 30th, 2000)?



  1. If you look at the documentation, you can see you have the following methods exposed:

    To convert the month number into the name, you could just hold a mapping of month number to month name.

    To handle the ending of each day (st/nd/rd/th), you could also create a helper method.

    Then you can use:

    DateTime date = new DateTime(2000, 1, 30);
    String month = convertMonthToWord(date.month);
    String wordedDate = month + + date.year.toString();
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  2. Well there are a few ways to achieve this, as @tomerpacific said. Here’s one of them:

    String formatDate(DateTime date) {
        List<String> months = [
        final day =;
        final month = months[date.month - 1];
        final year = date.year;
        String dayOrderThing = "th";
        if (day % 10 == 1 && day != 11) {
          dayOrderThing = "st";
        if (day % 10 == 2 && day != 12) {
          dayOrderThing = "nd";
        if (day % 10 == 3 && day != 13) {
          dayOrderThing = "rd";
        return "$month $day$dayOrderThing, $year";
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