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I would like to know the difference between webview and iframe along with their corresponding use cases in flutter.

From my understanding, iframe is used mostly on flutter web in order to embed some other source code, and is only available to a flutter android or ios app via a webview which has an iframe as a child. Is this correct? If this is the case, why not use only webview to display the content I want both on flutter web and on android,ios and avoid code complication? Is webview not available on flutter web? When should I use one or the other?

Thank you.



  1. Yes, your understanding is correct. In Flutter, an iframe is a web element that allows you to embed an external web page or content inside your app. It is mostly used on Flutter web to display external content or integrate with other web technologies. When using Flutter for Android and iOS apps, you can use an iframe by embedding it inside a WebView widget.

    On the other hand, a WebView is a widget that allows you to load and display web content inside your Flutter app, regardless of the platform you are targeting. It is essentially a web browser that is integrated into your app. You can use a WebView to display web pages, render HTML content, or even run JavaScript code within your app.

    The main difference between the two is that iframe is primarily used for embedding external web content, while WebView is used for loading and displaying web content within the app itself. iframe is also only available on Flutter web, while WebView is available on all platforms.

    If you only need to display external web content on Flutter web, then you can use iframe. However, if you need to display web content within your app, or if you need to interact with web content using JavaScript, then you should use WebView.

    In summary, iframe is useful when you need to embed external content on Flutter web, while WebView is useful when you need to load and display web content within your app, regardless of the platform.

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  2. Both WebView and IFrame are used to embed content from one website or web application into another. However, they have some differences in how they work and what they are best used for.

    In Flutter, WebView is a widget that can be used to display web content within an app, while IFrame is not directly supported. Instead, you can use the WebView widget to display web content that includes an IFrame.

    Here are some differences between WebView and IFrame:

    Content loading: WebView loads the content of a website or web application directly into a native app. On the other hand, IFrame loads the content of another website or web application inside a frame within a web page.

    Security: WebView can have access to device-specific features such as the camera or location, which could pose a security risk if not implemented carefully. IFrames are generally considered to be more secure because they run in a sandboxed environment and cannot access the parent window or the device’s native features.

    Customization: With WebView, you have more control over how the web content is displayed in your app. You can customize the user interface, the behavior, and the look and feel of the WebView widget. With IFrame, you have limited control over how the content is displayed within the frame.

    Use cases for WebView in Flutter include:

    Displaying a mobile version of a website within your app.
    Embedding a web-based application within your app.
    Showing web content that includes interactive features such as forms or videos.
    Use cases for IFrames in Flutter include:

    Embedding third-party content such as a map or a social media feed within a web page.
    Displaying content from a web-based application within a larger website or web page.
    Showing content from a different domain or website within a web page.

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