I’m trying to create a dot indicator for a carousel slider using the carousel_slider package. No idea why it’s not rebuilding at all. Simple carousel of images with a dot indicator at the bottom that rebuilds when based on index of image on the carousel.
class Testhome extends StatelessWidget {
const Testhome({super.key});
final SliderController slidercontrollerinstance = SliderController();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text('Welcome Alexander',
style: ttextthemes.darktheme.headlineMedium),
automaticallyImplyLeading: false,
actions: [
// Search icon button
color: Colors.black,
icon: const Icon(Icons.search),
onPressed: () {
// Show modal search bar using a package or custom implementation
body: SingleChildScrollView(
child: Column(children: [
const SizedBox(height: Tsizes.spacebtwitems),
//search bar
const Tsearchbar(text: 'Search in Store'),
const SizedBox(height: Tsizes.spacebtwitems),
const Theadingbar(
text: 'Popular categories',
showbutton: true,
const SizedBox(height: Tsizes.spacebtwitems),
//category icons
const Homecategories(),
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(Tsizes.spacebtwitems),
child: Column(children: [
items: const [
CarouselImages(imageurl: Timages.onboardingimage2),
CarouselImages(imageurl: Timages.onboardingimage),
CarouselImages(imageurl: Timages.onboardingimage3)
options: CarouselOptions(
viewportFraction: 1,
autoPlay: true,
onPageChanged: (index, reason) {
const SizedBox(height: Tsizes.spacebtwitems),
builder: (context, slidercontrollerinstance, _) {
return Row(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: [
for (int i = 0; i < picturescarousel.length; i++)
hieght: 4,
colour: Provider.of<SliderController>(context,
listen: false)
.currentIndex ==
? const Color.fromARGB(255, 15, 74, 104)
: Colors.grey)
// carousel
final List picturescarousel = [
const CarouselImages(imageurl: Timages.onboardingimage2),
const CarouselImages(imageurl: Timages.onboardingimage),
const CarouselImages(imageurl: Timages.onboardingimage3)
class SliderController extends ChangeNotifier {
int _currentIndex = 0;
int get currentIndex => _currentIndex;
void updateController(int index) {
_currentIndex = index;
class Tcircularwidget extends StatelessWidget {
const Tcircularwidget(
this.colour = const Color.fromARGB(255, 15, 74, 104),
this.hieght = 10,
this.width = 10,
this.borderradius = Tsizes.boarderradiusLG,
this.padding = 5,
final Color colour;
final double width, hieght;
final double borderradius;
final double padding;
final EdgeInsets? margin;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
width: width,
height: hieght,
padding: EdgeInsets.all(padding),
margin: EdgeInsets.only(right: padding),
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: colour,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(Tsizes.boarderradiusLG)));
I don’t see why it’s not rebuilding. It’s only a simple dot indicator. Should be very simple, all the resources im using say im doing things properly
That happened because the controllers are defined inside the
method, so they get reinstantiated every time the widget rebuilds.To fix it, move them out from the
method.This is as shown in the example from the package’s readme.
I think you are making some mistakes.