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I would like to be able to draw both SVG images and painted graphics (mostly lines between the SVG) on a Flutter Canvas. Currently, I am stuck at the step of being able to paint SVG on the Canvas.

I tried different approaches with flutter_svg. The most sensible one seems (to me) to be the following. But when I execute the code, the blue circle appears, but not the Svg image (which I already checked that it works with flutter_svg). It also seems that I have sometime some warnings regarding a null reference to a closure, when I hot reload the app.

class MyCanvas extends CustomPainter {
  void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
    final paint = Paint()..color = Color.fromARGB(255, 15, 9, 184);

        .loadPicture(const SvgAssetLoader("assets/Monogramme_dark.svg"), null)
        .then((picture) => picture.picture
            .toImage(50, 50)
            .then((image) => canvas.drawImage(image, Offset(100, 100), paint)));

    canvas.drawCircle(Offset(50.0, 20.0), 10, paint);

  bool shouldRepaint(MyCanvas oldDelegate) => false;



  1. There are different approaches.
    SVG is not an Image, but text like HTML/XML, that defines shapes, colors, size and form.

    This is an example of a Rectangle created with SVG from W3 Schools

    <svg width="400" height="110">
      <rect width="300" height="100" style="fill:rgb(0,0,255);stroke-width:3;stroke:rgb(0,0,0)" />

    Knowing this, you can create methods to generate and iterate with your SVG elements and draw them on your application.

    You don’t need a canvas for this, you can literally use the default Flutter widgets to show how the SVG looks and generate an SVG image based on what you created.

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  2. Try this code:

        class MyCanvas extends CustomPainter {
      void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
        final paint = Paint()..color = Color.fromARGB(255, 15, 9, 184);
        final pictureInfo = await vg
            .loadPicture(const SvgAssetLoader("assets/Monogramme_dark.svg"), null);
        final image = await pictureInfo.picture.toImage(50, 50);
        canvas.drawImage(image, Offset(100, 100), paint);
        canvas.drawCircle(Offset(50.0, 20.0), 10, paint);
      bool shouldRepaint(MyCanvas oldDelegate) => false;
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