i am creating a file as json for storing notes backup
here is the method for creating file,
before i write notes, it showing error in this method to opening a file
Future<void> writeNotesToFile() async {
String path ='/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.example.noteapp/backup_note.json';
File? file = File(path);
bool doesFileExists = await file.exists();
if (doesFileExists==false) {
it was working fine…but when i uninstalled the app and installed again..its showing error while calling this method…I have not changed path
Step 1: Check Permission: https://pub.dev/packages/permission_handler
Step 2: Add this plugin to get the directory: https://pub.dev/packages/path_provider
Use below code:
You need to add storage permission to store any file in External storage.
For this, you can use the
package.I am giving an example code of how you can get that permission.
1. Add the permission_handler package to your pubspec.yaml file:
2. Update AndroidManifest.xml:
3. Request the required permissions:
I hope this will work for you.