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I am using cloud_firestore and riverpod in my project.
I have a firestore database with some data. If I delete the data in firestore, I would expected my app to notice that as well. But at first I get the old data.

Option<MyObject> closeObjectLocation(CloseObjectLocationRef ref) {
  final objects =
      .select((value) => value.valueOrNull));

  debugPrint("objects count: ${objects?.length}");


The logs looks as follows:

objects count: null
objects count: 1
objects count: 0

It leads to wrong behaviours within the app.

There many layers between the provider and firestore.

Stream<List<Object>> objectsWithinRadius(ObjectsWithinRadiusRef 
ref) {
  final myLocation = => 
  final objectsStream = ref
  myLocation!.latitude, myLocation.longitude))

  return objectsStream;

Here the firestore stream.

Stream<List<DocumentSnapshot>> collectionStreamWithRadius({
required String path,
required double radius,
required String field,
required GeoFirePoint center,
  }) {
    return _streamErrorHandler(
      () {
        var reference = geoFlutterFire
          center: center,
          radius: radius,
          field: field,
          strictMode: true,

    return reference;

Basically I want to invalidate the cache when I close the app such that it fetches new values gain and not the cache one.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    well the solution was pretty easy, in hindsight. I just had to disable firestore offline support.

    final firestore = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
    firestore.settings = const Settings(persistenceEnabled: false);

  2. try this

    Option<MyObject> closeObjectLocation(CloseObjectLocationRef ref) {
      final objects = ref.list(objectsWithinRadiusProvider, (previous, next) {
        debugPrint("objects count: $next");

    i think the cuse is that as in start the stream is not passing any data, as the result variable is null.

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