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I want have a TextFormField that formats the input depending on a given separator and interval.

E.g. separator = '-' and interval = 4 the output should be the following:

Input: 1234 Output: 1234

Input 12345678 Output: 1234-5678

Input: 12345678910 Output: 1234-5678-910

The separator should be inserted right when the user types in the 5th character in this example.

I tried multiple things now, but can not get a general working solution. That was my last try:

  void _addSeperator(String value) {
    final separator = widget.separator!;
    final separatorInterval = widget.separatorInterval!;

    value = value.replaceAll(separator, ''); // Remove existing separators
    int length = value.length;
    int separatorCount = (length / separatorInterval).floor();
    for (int i = 1; i <= separatorCount; i++) {
      int index = i * separatorInterval +
          (i - 1); // Calculate the index to insert separator
      if (index < length) {
        value = value.substring(0, index) +
            separator +
            value.substring(index, value.length);

    _controller.text = value;

I thought this shouldnt be that hard, but I can not make it work. Also didn’t find anything on this. Let me know if you need more info.



  1. It looks like you are trying to format credit card numbers. Flutter already comes with 2 handful formatter that you could use, FilteringTextInputFormatter and LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter. You could also extends TextInputFormatter and implement your custom formatting logic.

    Below is a simple example.

    FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(RegExp(r'd')) only allows digits.
    LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter(16) set the max input length to 16.
    CreditCardNumberFormatter is a custom formatter that adds a separator between every 4 digits.

      inputFormatters: [
        const CreditCardNumberFormatter(),
    class CreditCardNumberFormatter extends TextInputFormatter {
      const CreditCardNumberFormatter({
        this.separator = '-',
        this.interval = 4,
      final String separator;
      final int interval;
      TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(TextEditingValue oldValue, TextEditingValue newValue) {
        final text = newValue.text;
        final buffer = StringBuffer();
        for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
          if (i % interval == 0 && i != 0) {
        return TextEditingValue(
          text: buffer.toString(),
          selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: buffer.length),
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  2. You can use the very popular library mask_text_input_formatter to format the text within a specific format. See its documentation on how to use it.

    var textEditingController = TextEditingController(text: "12345678");
    var maskFormatter = new MaskTextInputFormatter(mask: '####-####', filter: { "#": RegExp(r'[0-9]') });
    TextField(controller: textEditingController, inputFormatters: [maskFormatter])  // -> "1234-5678"
    textEditingController.value = maskFormatter.updateMask(mask: "##-##-##-##"); // -> "12-34-56-78"
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