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I’m trying to test flutter app using Azure DevOps and Appium. My CI/CD pipeline contains 2 major jobs – build app & run tests. First job creates .app file and passes it as an artifact to the second job. To achieve this I have to launch iOS simulator and build with flutter run. Those actions take significant amount of time and I’m wondering is there a way to build iOS app without a need to create simulator.

I’ve tried flutter build ios --debug --no-codesign but the resulting app is incompatible with the iOS simulator.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    In case if someone finds this question by googling. The solution was replacing the --debug flag with --simulator flag:

    build ios --simulator --no-codesign

  2. I’m not sure why you would try to run a built ios app on a simulator as it’s not possible. You can only run ios apps on the ios-simulator as Debug (Runner).

    If you want to test flight on physical a device or upload the ios file, you may need the IPA (.ipa) file.

    Here’s how to do it:

    First build the basic ios app (outputs .app folder)

    flutter build ios --release --no-codesign

    Select the release profile for ios runners

    xcodebuild -resolvePackageDependencies -workspace ios/Runner.xcworkspace -scheme Runner -configuration Release

    Now this is a tricky part.

    export IOS_DEV_TEAM=<your ios dev team>
    export IOS_PROVISIONING_PROFILE_UUID=<your ios provisioning profile id>
    xcodebuild -workspace ios/Runner.xcworkspace -scheme Runner -configuration Release DEVELOPMENT_TEAM=$IOS_DEV_TEAM -sdk 'iphoneos' -destination 'generic/platform=iOS' -archivePath build-output/app.xcarchive PROVISIONING_PROFILE=$IOS_PROVISIONING_PROFILE_UUID clean archive CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="Apple Distribution: <Your company name>"

    You’ve to create a iOS dev team using AppStoreConnect and then from XCode you’ve to create a provisioning profile. If you already done that before,

    Finally, export the ipa archive:

    xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath build-output/app.xcarchive -exportPath build-output/ios -exportOptionsPlist ios/ExportOptions.plist

    You can find the built .ipa file in build-output/ios/<your app name>.ipa

    Now, you can upload this ipa file for test flight using Transporter. And install in physical iOS device

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