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I am working on a Flutter app where I need to generate a tree view from JSON data. The TreeView shown below:

Image shows what my simple tree view should look like

The Table structured as follows:

ParentID ChildID Title
1 0 Root 1
2 0 Root 2
3 1 Node 1.1
4 3 Node 1.1.1
5 3 Node 1.1.2
5 1 Node 1.2
5 2 Node 2.1
5 2 Node 2.2

The JSON data is structured as follows:

    "ParentID": 1,
    "ChildID": 0,
    "Title": "Root 1"
    "ParentID": 2,
    "ChildID": 0,
    "Title": "Root 2"
    "ParentID": 3,
    "ChildID": 1,
    "Title": "Node 1.1"
    "ParentID": 4,
    "ChildID": 3,
    "Title": "Node 1.1.1"
    "ParentID": 5,
    "ChildID": 3,
    "Title": "Node 1.1.2"
    "ParentID": 6,
    "ChildID": 1,
    "Title": "Node 1.2"
    "ParentID": 7,
    "ChildID": 2,
    "Title": "Node 2.1"
    "ParentID": 8,
    "ChildID": 2,
    "Title": "Node 2.2"

This data represents a hierarchical structure where each node can have multiple children. The ParentID field indicates the parent node, and the ChildID field indicates the current node’s position in the hierarchy.
Currently, I have hardcoded data to generate the tree view, as shown below:

  static const List<MyNode> roots = <MyNode>[
  title: 'Root 1',
  children: <MyNode>[
      title: 'Node 1.1',
      children: <MyNode>[
        MyNode(title: 'Node 1.1.1'),
        MyNode(title: 'Node 1.1.2'),
    MyNode(title: 'Node 1.2'),
  title: 'Root 2',
  children: <MyNode>[
      title: 'Node 2.1',
    MyNode(title: 'Node 2.2')

What I would like to achieve is to dynamically generate this tree view from the JSON data retrieved from a database.
Could someone please help me convert this JSON data into a hierarchical tree view in Flutter? Any guidance or code examples would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your help!



  1. I have created tree node widget. Play with your required colors and properties.

    class TreeNodeWidget extends StatelessWidget {
      final MyNode node;
      TreeNodeWidget({required this.node});
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Padding(
          padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 4.0),
          child: ExpansionTile(
            enabled: false,
            initiallyExpanded: true,
            showTrailingIcon: false,
            title: Text(
              style: TextStyle(fontSize: 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
            children: node.children
                .map((childNode) => TreeNodeWidget(node: childNode))
            tilePadding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16.0),
            childrenPadding: EdgeInsets.only(left: 32.0),
            iconColor:, // Customize the icon color
            collapsedIconColor: Colors.grey, // Customize the collapsed icon color
            backgroundColor: Colors.white, // Customize the background color
            expandedAlignment: Alignment.centerLeft,
            expandedCrossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
            textColor:, // Customize the text color
            collapsedTextColor: Colors.black54, // Customize collapsed text color

    And your listview as

     => TreeNodeWidget(node: rootNode)).toList(),

    Hope it helps…

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  2. Alright, let’s break this down step by step.

    First, you gonna need to define a model for the nodes in your tree structure. This is pretty straightforward. Here’s how you can do it:

    class MyNode {
      final int parentId;
      final int childId;
      final String title;
      List<MyNode> children;
        required this.parentId,
        required this.childId,
        required this.title,
        this.children = const [],

    So, here we’re just saying that each node in the tree has a parentId, a childId, and a title. The children property is a list of MyNode, which means each node can have its own children, making it hierarchical.

    Next, you need to take your JSON data and turn it into a list of these nodes:

    List<MyNode> parseJsonToNodes(List<Map<String, dynamic>> jsonData) {
      return {
        return MyNode(
          parentId: data['ParentID'],
          childId: data['ChildID'],
          title: data['Title'],

    This part is just mapping over your JSON and creating a list of MyNode objects from it. Pretty simple so far.

    But, here’s where it gets a bit tricky. You need to create a hierarchical structure, meaning each node knows who its children are. To do that, you create the tree like this:

    List<MyNode> createTree(List<MyNode> nodes) {
      Map<int, MyNode> nodeMap = {for (var node in nodes) node.childId: node};
      List<MyNode> roots = [];
      for (var node in nodes) {
        if (node.parentId == 0) {
        } else {
      return roots;

    What’s happening here is that you’re first creating a map where each node can be quickly accessed by its childId. Then, you loop through all the nodes. If a node has a parentId of 0, it means it’s a root node, so you add it directly to your roots list. Otherwise, you find its parent in the map and add it as a child to that parent.

    Finally, to display the tree, you use a widget like this:

    class TreeNodeWidget extends StatelessWidget {
      final MyNode node;
      TreeNodeWidget({required this.node});
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return Padding(
          padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 4.0),
          child: ExpansionTile(
            title: Text(node.title),
            children: => TreeNodeWidget(node: child)).toList(),

    And remember, always start by defining your entities and models before you dive into handling JSON data. This approach ensures you have a clear understanding of the structure you’re working with, making your implementation much more robust and easier to maintain.

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