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E/flutter ( 8110): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] Unhandled Exception: Converting object to an encodable object failed: Instance of ‘Color’

I keep getting this error

          String colorToHex(Color color) {
        return '#${color.value.toRadixString(16)}';
      void setFontColor(Color newColor) async {
        _fontColor = newColor;

        // Convert the Color object to a hex color string
        String hexColor = colorToHex(newColor);

        await _prefs.setString('fontColor', hexColor);

        Color _getFontColorFromString(SharedPreferences prefs) {
      String fontColorString =
          prefs.getString('fontColor') ?? AppConstants.fontColorHex;

      // Remove any '#' symbol if present
      fontColorString = fontColorString.replaceAll('#', '');

      // Check if the string length is 6 (without alpha) or 8 (with alpha)
      if (fontColorString.length == 6 || fontColorString.length == 8) {
        // Add 'FF' as alpha if it's not present
        if (fontColorString.length == 6) {
          fontColorString = 'FF' + fontColorString;

        // Parse the hex color string
        Color fontColor = Color(int.parse(fontColorString, radix: 16));
        return fontColor;
      } //
      else {
        // Handle the case where the format is invalid

        return Color(
            int.parse(AppConstants.fontColorHex.replaceAll('0x', ''), radix: 16));

Some other method:

                        // Retrieve user preferences

                    Color fontColor = _getFontColorFromString(preferences);



  1. Implementation of colorToHex Function will solve the problem

    String colorToHex(Color color) {
      return '#${color.value.toRadixString(16).padLeft(8, '0')}';
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  2. Try to store color as integer value representing its ARGB format and at time of retrieval again convert to Color object.

    import 'dart:convert';
    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart';
    class ColorStorage {
      final SharedPreferences _prefs;
      // Save color to shared preferences
      Future<void> saveColor(Color color) async {
        // Convert color to ARGB integer
        int colorValue = color.value;
        await _prefs.setInt('color', colorValue);
      Color getColor() {
        int? colorValue = _prefs.getInt('color');
        if (colorValue == null) {
        return Color(colorValue); // Convert integer color value to Color object
    // Example usage:
    void main() async {
      SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
      ColorStorage colorStorage = ColorStorage(prefs);
      // Save color
      Color colorToSave =;
      await colorStorage.saveColor(colorToSave);
      // Retrieve color
      Color retrievedColor = colorStorage.getColor();
      print(retrievedColor); // Output: Color(0xFF0000FF)
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