Code snippet:
(dio.httpClientAdapter as DefaultHttpClientAdapter).onHttpClientCreate =
(client) {
SecurityContext securityContext = SecurityContext(withTrustedRoots: true);
// securityContext.setTrustedCertificatesBytes(certBytes);
HttpClient httpClient = HttpClient(context: securityContext);
httpClient.badCertificateCallback =
(X509Certificate cert, String host, int port) {
return true;
Error prompt:
Failed to load "...dio_ca_trust_test.dart":
DioError [DioErrorType.other]: TlsException: Failure trusting builtin roots (OS Error:
CERT_ALREADY_IN_HASH_TABLE(../../third_party/boringssl/src/crypto/x509/x509_lu.c:357), errno = 184549481)
reference document:
Flutter 自签名证书
Previously, the IP certificate was deployed on the HTTP server, now replace the certificate with the domain name certificate! Create a new test code in the test directory.
This code will work in a separate test file with setTrustedCertificates and useCertificateChainBytes Settings. But placing the code in the project indicates that the certificate file is not found
Dio (HttpClient) certificate authentication The support for IP certificate authentication is not perfect.
Using File(‘assets/ca.crt’).readAsBytesSync() or await rootBundle.load("assets/ca.crt") in the Widget neither of these methods work properly
FileSystemException: Cannot open file
. But it works fine until the main function calls runApp(const App()), I don’t know why!In the main () function configuration HttpOverrides. The method of = _HttpOverrides _HttpOverrides. createHttpClient will be multiple calls even if I just call the HTTP request at a time, Setting the certificate is also invalid, and this method is only suitable for ignoring the certificate globally.
The solution:
Adds a global variable, initialized before runApp(const App()).Use this global variable where http requests are required
This may not be the best way but it’s the one I can think of right now.