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I am a Beginner and I want to calculate 4 values and get area but I keep getting different
errors my code is not good so please give advices


Class ‘String’ has no instance method ‘/’.
Receiver: "56"

Tried calling: /(2)
I am taking values from text fields
I want them to be calculated in double.

This is My Code

class SideController extends GetxController{

  final SideAController = TextEditingController();
  final SideBController = TextEditingController();
  final SideCController = TextEditingController();    
  final SideDController = TextEditingController();
  var Result=''.obs;
  var sidea;
  var sideb;
  var sidec;
  var sided;
  var length;
  var width;
  var area = 0.obs;

  calculateheight() {
    if (SideAController.text != null ||
        SideBController.text != null ||
        SideCController.text != null ||
        SideDController.text != null) {
      sidea = SideAController.text;
      sideb = SideBController.text;
      sidec = SideCController.text;
      sided = SideDController.text;

      length = ((sidea) + (sidec)) / 2;
      width = ((sideb) + (sided)) / 2;

      area = (length * width);
      area.value == Result;
      return area;
    } else {
      Get.snackbar("Fields Empty", "Fill all Fields");

I tried to calculate 4 values and show my result is string
but keep getting errors



  1. String values cannot be added or divided. You have to convert the String values to double first.

     sidea = double.parse(SideAController.text);
     sideb = double.parse(SideBController.text);
     sidec = double.parse(SideCController.text);
     sided = double.parse(SideDController.text);
     length = ((sidea) + (sidec)) / 2;
     width = ((sideb) + (sided)) / 2;
     area.value = (length * width);
     // area.value == Result;
     return area;

    If you want to return area as String, use return area.toString();

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  2. I think there are already variables here. I write down what I already know.
    For example, there is Result=”.obs;

    class SideController extends GetxController {
      final SideAController = TextEditingController();
      final SideBController = TextEditingController();
      final SideCController = TextEditingController();
      final SideDController = TextEditingController();
      var sidea;
      var sideb;
      var sidec;
      var sided;
      var length;
      var width;
      RxDouble area = 0.0.obs;
      dynamic calculateheight() {
        if (SideAController.text.isNotEmpty &&
            SideBController.text.isNotEmpty &&
            SideCController.text.isNotEmpty &&
            SideDController.text.isNotEmpty) {
          sidea = double.parse(SideAController.text);
          sideb = double.parse(SideBController.text);
          sidec = double.parse(SideCController.text);
          sided = double.parse(SideDController.text);
          length = (sidea + sidec) / 2;
          width = (sideb + sided) / 2;
          area.value = length * width;
          return area.value.toString();
        } else {
          Get.snackbar("Fields Empty", "Fill all Fields");
          return ' error';

    I checked the code I posted, the code I posted should work for you.
    Optionally, calculateheight() function can return String, double, etc.

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