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I’ve made a simple class to store my dropdown options:

class ExperienceYearsRepository {
  List<String> returnExperienceYears() {
    return [
      "Menos de 1 ano",
      "Entre 1 e 3 anos",
      "Entre 3 e 5 anos",
      "Mais de 5 anos"

Below, there’s a dropdown implementation which uses that list, but when any option is clicked, the value displayed inside the dropdown is always the value set as experienceYears.first:

String experienceTime = "";
var experienceYearsRepository = ExperienceYearsRepository();
var experienceYears = [];

void initState() {
   experienceYears = experienceYearsRepository.returnExperienceYears();

   isExpanded: true,
   value: experienceYears.first,
   items: experienceYears
       .map((experienceYear) => DropdownMenuItem(
             value: experienceYear,
             child: Text(experienceYear.toString()),
   onChanged: (selectedExperienceTime) {
     setState(() {
        debugPrint(selectedExperienceTime as String?);
        experienceTime = selectedExperienceTime.toString();

Just to clarify, the debugPrint actually prints the correct dropdown item, so the problem in really about displaying it. Any ideas on how to solve this? I’m pretty new to Flutter and I’m having quite a headache, thanks in advance!



  1. String experienceTime = "";
    var experienceYearsRepository = ExperienceYearsRepository();
    var experienceYears = [];
    void initState() {
    experienceYears = experienceYearsRepository.returnExperienceYears();
      experienceTime = experienceYears.first; //assign here
     isExpanded: true,
     value: experienceTime, //use here
     items: experienceYears
       .map((experienceYear) => DropdownMenuItem(
             value: experienceYear,
             child: Text(experienceYear.toString()),
      onChanged: (selectedExperienceTime) {
     setState(() {
        debugPrint(selectedExperienceTime as String?);
        experienceTime = selectedExperienceTime.toString();
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  2. The value property of DropdownButton() isn’t just for initialization, it the value currently displayed on the menu. Change your onChanged parameter to update it. You can assign it in the init() method.

    void initState() {
        experienceYears = experienceYearsRepository.returnExperienceYears();
        experienceTime = experienceYears.first; //move initialization here
          isExpanded: true,
          value: experienceTime,   //controlling variable
          items: experienceYears
              .map((experienceYear) => DropdownMenuItem(
                    value: experienceYear,
                    child: Text(experienceYear.toString()),
          onChanged: (selectedExperienceTime) {
              () {
                debugPrint(selectedExperienceTime as String?);
                experienceTime = selectedExperienceTime.toString(); //update it here
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  3. It seems like the issue might be related to the fact that the initial value you’re setting for the dropdown is based on experienceYears.first, and this value might not be synchronized with the experienceTime variable, which is actually storing the selected option.

    To make sure the selected value is displayed correctly in the dropdown, you should set the initial value of the dropdown to match the value stored in the experienceTime variable. Here’s the updated code:

    String experienceTime = ""; // Initialize with an empty string or any default value
    var experienceYearsRepository = ExperienceYearsRepository();
    var experienceYears = [];
    void initState() {
       experienceYears = experienceYearsRepository.returnExperienceYears();
       experienceTime = experienceYears.first; // Set initial value to match the first option
       isExpanded: true,
       value: experienceTime, // Set the value to match the stored selected value
       items: experienceYears
           .map((experienceYear) => DropdownMenuItem(
                 value: experienceYear,
                 child: Text(experienceYear.toString()),
       onChanged: (selectedExperienceTime) {
         setState(() {
            debugPrint(selectedExperienceTime as String?);
            experienceTime = selectedExperienceTime.toString();

    By setting the initial value of experienceTime in the initState method and then using that value for the value property of the DropdownButton, you ensure that the displayed value matches the selected option. The onChanged callback will continue to update the experienceTime variable correctly when a new option is selected.

    Hope this will work.

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