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a button should be long pressed to record something. If during the long press a swipe is detected the record should be deleted.

I tried to combine onLongPressStart/End with onPanUpdate, but it doesn’t work

      child: Icon(Icons.mic_none_outlined),
      onLongPressStart: (_) async {
        setState(() {
          startRecording = true;  //start recording
        do {
          await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
        } while (startRecording );
      onLongPressEnd:  (_) async {
        setState(() {
          startRecording = false; //end recording
      onPanUpdate: (details) {              //<----- not working
        // Swiping in left direction    
        if ( < 0) {
          //delete record



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    this code works:

      child: Icon(Icons.mic_none_outlined),
      onLongPressStart: (_) async {
        setState(() {
          startRecording = true;  //start recording
        do {
          await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1));
        } while (startRecording );
      onLongPressEnd:  (_) async {
        setState(() {
          startRecording = false; //end recording
      onLongPressMoveUpdate:(movement) async {
        if (movement.offsetFromOrigin.dx < -300) {
          print("------------------swipe detection------------------------");

  2. GestureDetector(
        onHorizontalDragUpdate: (details) {  
            // Note: Sensitivity is integer used when you don't want to mess up vertical drag
            int sensitivity = 8;
            if ( > sensitivity) {
                // Right Swipe
            } else if( < -sensitivity){
                //Left Swipe

    Use OnHorizontalDragUpdate

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