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I encountered a TypeError with data received from an API. To simulate the issue clearly, I have provided a code example below:

   //This is mock data to simulate the API.
   //The length of the array or the keys is not specified
   // We only know that it should be a List<Map<String, dynamic>>
    List<dynamic> dat2 = [{"id1": 'food',},{'id2': "car"}];
    var data = {"types": dat2, "clientId": "Id"}


the code:

         if (data case {
                   //how I can cast it to List<Map<String, dynamic>> here without extra code?
                  "types": List<Map<String, dynamic>> types,
                  "clientId": String clientId}) 
                          debugPrint('types:$types, clientId: $clientId');
                        } else {

The error occurs within the "types" argument. How can I cast it appropriately within the if condition to resolve this?



  1. Try this!

    List<dynamic> dat2 = [
        "id1": 'food',
      {'id2': "car"}
    dynamic data = {"types": dat2, "clientId": "Id"};
    if (data is Map<String, dynamic> &&
        data.containsKey("types") &&
        data["types"] is List<dynamic>) {
      List<Map<String, dynamic>> types = [];
      for (var item in data["types"]) {
        if (item is Map<String, dynamic>) {
          types.add(Map<String, dynamic>.from(item));
      String clientId = data["clientId"];
      debugPrint('types:$types, clientId: $clientId');
    } else {

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  2. In the first line you declare that dat2 is of type List<dynamic> which does not match the more specific List<Map<String, dynamic>>.

    It would work by declaring dat2 as:

    List<Map<String, dynamic>> dat2 = [
      {'id1': 'food'},
      {'id2': 'car'}
    var data = {'types': dat2, 'clientId': 'Id'};
    void main() {
      if (data
          case {
            'types': List<Map<String, dynamic>> types,
            'clientId': String clientId
          }) {
        print('types:$types, clientId: $clientId');
      } else {
        print('Error with $data');

    Running the program results in the following output:

    $ dart main.dart
    types:[{id1: food}, {id2: car}], clientId: Id

    If dat2 has to be of type List<dynamic> then you will have to use the same type in the pattern:

    List<dynamic> dat2 = [
      {'id1': 'food'},
      {'id2': 'car'}
    var data = {'types': dat2, 'clientId': 'Id'};
    void main() {
      if (data
          case {
            'types': List<dynamic> types,
            'clientId': String clientId
          }) {
        print('types:$types, clientId: $clientId');
      } else {
        print('Error with $data');
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  3. If you really want to do this with pattern matching, I think you have to do it in two stages. I got this to act as expected, hopefully it can be a starting point for you:

    void main(List<String> arguments) {
      final dat2 = <dynamic>[
          'id1': 'food',
        {'id2': 'car'},
      final data = {'types': dat2, 'clientId': 'Id'};
      final result = switch (data) {
          'types': final List<dynamic> types,
          'clientId': final String clientId,
        } =>
          switch (types) {
              {'id1': final String id1},
              {'id2': final String id2},
            ] =>
              (id1, id2, clientId),
            final w => 'was w $w',
        final v => 'was v $v',

    This outputs (food, car, Id).

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