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Is there a way I can use the magic of generics to write a function that returns an optional if the input is optional, otherwise both non-null?

For example, I have two functions that I want to combine into one.

static Timestamp dateToTimestamp(DateTime dateTime) {
  return Timestamp.fromDate(dateTime);
static Timestamp? dateToTimestampOptional(DateTime? dateTime) {
  return (dateTime == null) ? null : Timestamp.fromDate(dateTime);



  1. Make the type as generic

      Timestamp? dateToTimestamp<T extends DateTime?>(T dateTime) {
         return (dateTime == null) ? null : Timestamp.fromDate(dateTime); 
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  2. Here’s how you can combine the two functions into one using generics:

    T? dateToTimestamp<T extends DateTime?>(T? dateTime) {
      return dateTime?.toTimestamp();


    // With DateTime argument (non-null)
    Timestamp timestamp = dateToTimestamp(;
    // With DateTime? argument (optional)
    DateTime? maybeDateTime;
    Timestamp? maybeTimestamp = dateToTimestamp(maybeDateTime);
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