I am trying to make a background notification system using Workmanager and flutter_local_notifications, when I tried to run the app, I got an error that firebase wasn’t initalized.
I’ve tried to initialized firebase in the function, but still getting the same problem.
does anyone know how to fix it
Here’s the main.dart
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart' as firestore;
import 'package:firebase_auth/firebase_auth.dart';
import 'package:firebase_core/firebase_core.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_screenutil/flutter_screenutil.dart';
import 'package:foodwasteproject/AddScreens.dart';
import 'package:foodwasteproject/HomePager.dart';
import 'package:foodwasteproject/Loginandsignup.dart';
import 'package:google_fonts/google_fonts.dart';
import 'package:google_generative_ai/google_generative_ai.dart';
import 'package:openfoodfacts/openfoodfacts.dart';
import 'package:workmanager/workmanager.dart';
import 'coverpage.dart';
import 'firebase_options.dart';
import 'notifications.dart';
void callbackdispatch() {
Workmanager().executeTask((task, inputData) async{
Notifications Nservice = Notifications();
int daysBetween(DateTime from, DateTime to) {
from = DateTime(from.year, from.month, from.day);
to = DateTime(to.year, to.month, to.day);
return (to.difference(from).inHours / 24).round();
await Firebase.initializeApp(
options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform
List x = [];
await firestore.FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection("Users").doc("${FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser?.uid}").get().then((value) {
int? remindBefore = value.data()?["remindbefore"];
if (remindBefore != null) {
return firestore.FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection("Users").doc("${FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser?.uid}").collection("Items").get().then((value) {
for (var element in value.docs) {
if (daysBetween(DateTime.now(), element.data()["Expiry"].toDate()) <= remindBefore) {
Nservice.sendNotifications("Food Expiry Alert", "The following food items are about to expire: ${x.join("n")}");
// else if (task == "simpleTask2") {
// const apiKey = "AIzaSyD2f8buzXCPsv62E89LAL5JHmCkVgV86dk";
// Future<String?> geminiNotifications() async {
// final model = GenerativeModel(apiKey: apiKey, model: 'gemini-1.0-pro');
// final content = Content.text(
// "Imagine you're a food waste expert, give an advice on how to prevent food waste, make it short and sweet");
// final response = await model.generateContent(
// [content]
// );
// return response.text;
// }
// Notifications Nservice = Notifications();
// String? result = await geminiNotifications();
// Nservice.Initializenotifications();
// Nservice.sendNotifications("Here's a tip from the AI", result!);
// }
return Future.value(true);
void main() async{
await Firebase.initializeApp(
options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform
OpenFoodAPIConfiguration.userAgent = UserAgent(
name: 'CookingAgainstWaste',
version: '3.0.0',
system: 'Flutter',
comment: 'IDK what to put here',
isInDebugMode: true,
frequency: Duration(minutes: 15),
// Register the second periodic task
frequency: Duration(hours: 3),
runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ScreenUtilInit(
designSize: const Size(430, 932),
minTextAdapt: true,
splitScreenMode: true,
builder: (_, child){
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
elevatedButtonTheme: ElevatedButtonThemeData(
style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(
backgroundColor: Colors.green,
foregroundColor: Colors.white
colorScheme: ColorScheme.fromSeed(seedColor: Colors.green),
useMaterial3: true,
textTheme: GoogleFonts.playfairDisplayTextTheme(
initialRoute: FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser != null? "/home":"/"
routes: {
"/": (context) => const Cover(),
"/login": (context) => const Login(),
"/signup": (context) => const Signup(),
"/home": (context) => const Home(),
"/options": (context) => const addOptions(),
"/am": (context) => const addManualy(),
"/ar": (context) => const AddRecipies(),
"/makefood": (context) => const RecipeSteps(),
"/settings": (context) => const Settings(),
"/myrecipies": (context) => const MyRecipies(),
The issue might be related to the Firebase initialization. In your code, you’re initializing Firebase twice – once in the
function and once in thecallbackdispatch()
function.Also, take a look at the
.I think you are trying to use it, but it isn’t initialized.
Try doing something like this:
then you can just check the current user like this: