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How can I set the day of the week I need for the date? Using DateTime or Jiffy? It is also possible to use another library if you cannot use these.

For example, on Kotlin with Joda DateTime, I can do this:

scheduleDate.withField(DateTimeFieldType.dayOfWeek(), 3) // set weekday Wednesday

Is it possible to do the same on Flutter?



  1. I think it can be approach like this way:

    import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
    DateTime setDateForDayOfWeek(DateTime date, int desiredDayOfWeek) {
      int difference = desiredDayOfWeek - date.weekday;
      /// Adjust the difference if it's negative
      if (difference < 0) {
        difference += 7;
      return date.add(Duration(days: difference));
    void main() {
      DateTime currentDate =;
      /// Setting the desired day of the week (e.g., Wednesday = 3)
      int desiredDayOfWeek = 3;
      DateTime desiredDate = setDateForDayOfWeek(currentDate, desiredDayOfWeek);
      print('Desired Date: $desiredDate');
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  2. List<DateTime> weekDates(DateTime? fromDate) {
        final result = [];
        final DateTime currentDate = fromDate == null ? : fromDate;
        DateTime firstDay=fromDate!.subtract(Duration(days: fromDate.weekday-1));
        for(int x=0;x<=6;x++)
          DateTime currentDate=firstDay.add(Duration(days: x));
        return result;
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