I want integrate Flutter with an ASP.NET API. the problem is when I create variable url to call parameter to put in _newbloc, i cannot initialize url to widget.id without put in initstate and i cannot put _newbloc in constructor because it cannot be access in initstate. this is my code
class DetailsScreen extends StatefulWidget{
static final theKey = GlobalKey<_DetailsScreen>();
final Rows model;
DetailsScreen({ Key? key, required this.model }) : super(key: theKey);
_DetailsScreen createState() => _DetailsScreen();
class _DetailsScreen extends State<DetailsScreen>{
final detailBloc _newsBloc = detailBloc(utl: url); // cannot be access outside
final detailBloc _newsBloc = detailBloc(utl: url);
void initState() {
String? url = widget.model.id; //cannot be access outside
how to solve this?
You can add a
keyword to_newsBloc
, then you can initialize it ininitState()
Initialize the bloc in the
, and add thelate
keyword to _newsBloc property. You dont really need theurl