I am building a chat section in my app. I was finishing the handling of data messages sent from the server to the devices when I accidentally stumped upon a serious problem where firebase was opening a new isolate to run background tasks. I use GetX controller ChatController
which has a chats
variable of type RxList<Chat>
. Each chat has a messages list. normally when someone sends a message and the device is in foreground, I take the new message, do some serialization here and there, and add it to its corresponding chat in the ChatController
‘s chats
. When doing same thing in background, but it just reinitializes a new one with no data at all which stops the process of adding a new message.
I tried making the chat controller permanent but didn’t work. How can I make firebase’s background isolate utilize the existing chat controller? even if the user dragged from top to see notifications, I can’t update chats
. This is really absurd.
if (Get.isRegistered<ChatController>()) {
// If the controller is already registered, reuse it
chatController = Get.find<ChatController>();
print("Chat Controller Found");
} else {
// If the controller is not registered, initialize it
chatController = Get.put(ChatController());
await chatController
.getChats(); // Only fetch chats on the first initialization
print("Chat Controller Created!");
class ChatController extends GetxController with WidgetsBindingObserver {
final DioClient _dioClient = DioClient();
RxInt currentChat = (-1).obs;
RxList<Chat> chats = <Chat>[].obs;
RxBool isInBackground = false.obs;
RxList<ChatMessage> backgroundMessages = <ChatMessage>[].obs;
RxList<ChatMessage> chatMessages = <ChatMessage>[].obs;
void onInit() {
WidgetsBinding.instance.addObserver(this); // Add observer for app lifecycle
void onClose() {
.removeObserver(this); // Remove observer when controller is destroyed
void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
if (state == AppLifecycleState.resumed) {
// App comes back to foreground, refresh data
isInBackground.value = false;
for (ChatMessage message in backgroundMessages) {
print("Message added from backgroundMessages");
addMessageToChat(message.chatId, message);
} else if (state == AppLifecycleState.paused) {
isInBackground.value = true;
print("isInBackground from life cycle: ${isInBackground.value}");
void addMessageToChat(int chatId, ChatMessage message) {
print("isInBackground from add message: ${isInBackground.value}");
// if (isInBackground.value) {
// backgroundMessages.add(message);
// print("Message added to backgroundMessages");
// return;
// } else {
// print("Message added to chatMessages");
// }
// Find the chat
Chat chat = chats.firstWhere((chat) => chat.id == chatId);
if (chat.id != -1) {
Map messageMap = message.toMap();
messageMap['created_at'] = formatMessageDate(
Global.activeUser!.timezone ?? "UTC");
messageMap['sender']['name'] =
messageMap['sender']['member_id'] == chat.userId
? "You"
: messageMap['sender']['name'];
if (messageMap['sender']['member_id'] != chat.userId) {
chat.counter = currentChat.value != chatId ? chat.counter + 1 : 0;
chat.lastMessageMap = messageMap;
// Update the list by reordering the chat without rebuilding the entire list
int currentIndex = chats.indexOf(chat);
if (currentIndex != 0) {
chats.insert(0, chat);
chats.refresh(); // This will trigger a partial rebuild
What I needed to do was to create another isolate in the main isolate to communicate using
between FCM isolate and main isolate.the new isolate:
You will need to call startReceivePort() before
runApp(const MyApp())
in thedispose()
in your main stateful widget of your app and voila!In my experience, the easiest way is to use a database;
You must consider two scenarios:
that the application is completely closed and the Firebase system starts your operations for a few seconds, at which time it would save information in the database.
That the application is in the background but the system still keeps it alive, in that case I would use the WidgetsBindingObserver to synchronize the information that is in the database with what you need.
My recommendation is that you use Hive, it is simple and for a synchronization task like this I have used it and it has worked well for me.
Keep in mind that in the Background an isolate cannot modify UI components.