I have a Hive box to save a Map<String, dynamic>
using toJson()
. But when I retrieve it, the result are a Map<dynamic, dynamic>
, I’ve tried converting it using jsonDecode()
, but not working. I also have tried converting it to String first then wrapping it up with jsonEncode()
then jsonDecode()
, still not working.
PS: Datatype other than a Map does work without problem
final HiveHelper hh = HiveHelper();
final box = Hive.openBox('boxip');
Future<void> saveDataIp(Map<String, dynamic> ip) async {
await hh.saveToBox(box, 'ip', ip);
Map<String, dynamic> getDataIp() {
Map<String, dynamic> map = {};
// ip resulting a _Map<dynamic, dynamic>
final ip = hh.getFrombox(box, 'ip');
if (ip != null) {
// with only using jsonDecode() gives error type "'_Map<dynamic, dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'String'"
// below gives error "Converting object to an encodable object failed: Instance of 'DateTime'"
map = Map<String, dynamic>.from(jsonDecode(jsonEncode(ip)));
return map;
final data = Data(id: 1, name: "item", date: "2023-07-17T10:45:40.070Z");
await saveDataIp(data.toJson());
final dataBox = getDataIp();
First, here are 2 types to get a cleaner code and get less lost in your code:
I’m not sure to understand what is your problem.
If I summarise:
then what do you need to do? You can add a fromMap() method in your Data class to parse your box result back into Data type.
Also why don’t you use directly box.save() and box.get()?
let me know if it answers your need