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I’m sometimes receiving HTML as a response from network requests. I’ve encountered a scenario where I need to display HTML content within the InAppWebView. Is there any short way to do that.

I tried to find answer on the Internet, but couldn’t.



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Turns out we can do it through initialData parameter:

        initialData: InAppWebViewInitialData(data: htmlExample),
    const String htmlExample = '''
    <!DOCTYPE html><html>
    <head><title>HTML wxample</title></head>
    HTML example
    <ul><a href=""></a></ul>
    <ul><a href=""></a></ul>

    Also with InAppWebViewController:


  2. To display HTML Content you can either use the Html Widget or the Core one with less dependencies. Html Widget Core.

    Here an usage example from the website:

      // the first parameter (`html`) is required
        A paragraph with <strong>strong</strong>, <em>emphasized</em>
        and <span style="color: red">colored</span> text.
      // all other parameters are optional, a few notable params:
      // specify custom styling for an element
      // see supported inline styling below
      customStylesBuilder: (element) {
        if (element.classes.contains('foo')) {
          return {'color': 'red'};
        return null;
      customWidgetBuilder: (element) {
        if (element.attributes['foo'] == 'bar') {
          // render a custom widget that takes the full width
          return FooBarWidget();
        if (element.attributes['fizz'] == 'buzz') {
          // render a custom widget that inlines with surrounding text
          return InlineCustomWidget(
            child: FizzBuzzWidget(),
        return null;
      // this callback will be triggered when user taps a link
      onTapUrl: (url) => print('tapped $url'),
      // select the render mode for HTML body
      // by default, a simple `Column` is rendered
      // consider using `ListView` or `SliverList` for better performance
      renderMode: RenderMode.column,
      // set the default styling for text
      textStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 14),
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