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I am calling a function asynchronously to register user with phone number using Firebase. I want to show a CircularProgressIndicator while making the call as it takes little time to process the request. I used a state variable, isLoading, for this purpose. Whenever I call the async function, I set isLoading to true. In my widget tree, I have a if condition that shows a CircularProgressIndicator when this condition is true. But it is not showing the loader. Please help me understanding the control flow of this code.

Also, can I use Future builder here?

I have set isLoading = false initially.

if (isLoading)
              const Center(
                child: CircularProgressIndicator(),
              loginText: StaticText.sendCode,
              onTapButton: () async {
                setState(() {
                  isLoading = true;

                // onClickSendCode calls another function asynchronously

                await AuthFunctions.onClickSendCode(
                  mobileController: mobileController,
                  context: context,

                setState(() {
                  isLoading = false;
            if (isLoading)
              const Center(
                child: CircularProgressIndicator(),

This is my onClickSendCode function:

  static Future<void> onClickSendCode({
    required TextEditingController mobileController,
    required BuildContext context,
  }) async {
    if (mobileController.text.length != 10) {
      failureBar(StaticText.invalidPhoneNo, context);

    const CircularProgressIndicator();

    await AuthService().registerUserWithPhone(

This is registerUserWithPhone:

  //  OTP
  Future<void> registerUserWithPhone(
    String mobile,
    BuildContext context,
  ) async {
    final auth = FirebaseAuth.instance;
    // print(mobile);
    await auth.verifyPhoneNumber(
      phoneNumber: '+91$mobile',
      verificationCompleted: (PhoneAuthCredential credential) {},
      verificationFailed: (FirebaseAuthException e) {},
      codeSent: (String verificationId, int? forceResendingToken) {
          arguments: verificationId,
      codeAutoRetrievalTimeout: (String verificationId) {},
      timeout: const Duration(
        seconds: 120,

I tried to use Future builder but it also didn’t work. I couldn’t understand how setState method calls build method. Please help me.



  1. You can you use the valueListenable widget in this case in order to show the spinner or not by doing something like this.

      valueListenable: isLoading,
      child: child, //Widgets that are always shown
      builder: (context, isLoading, child) {
       //The widgets you want to display when isLoading == true

    I would go this route in your case.

    Additionally you can implement BLOC to handle the states of your widgets. This is a bit more complex way to handle this scenario but it’s more robust in the end.

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  2. I don’t know the reason or explanation behind this but this usually works for me instead:

      ? const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator())
      : LoginButton(...);
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