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I am using flutter_launcher_icons to set app icon. here is the pubspec.yaml:

  android: true
  ios: true
  remove_alpha_ios: true
  image_path: "assets/icon/icon.png"

it actually changed all icons: notification,appicon, etc. only one icon doesn’t change. when you scroll from bottom of iphone, it will show opened application. and there is icons of them as well. it is not changed my case. I will attach image below

enter image description here



  1. In the iOS, the app icon, the app switcher icon & the notification icon are all the same. Try uninstalling & re-installing the app. Maybe it glitched there.

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  2. May one of these can help

    • Clean and Rebuild:

    Execute flutter clean.

    Rebuild and reinstall your app.

    • Ensure All Icons are Updated:

    Check the ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/ directory.
    If any icons are old, replace manually and rebuild.

    • Verify Info.plist:

    Ensure it references the correct icon set:

    • Uninstall and Reinstall: Remove the app from your iPhone and reinstall.
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  3. Go on the iOs folder and right-click on that:
    Select the Open in Xcode item

    Check this items:

    enter image description here

    and also

    enter image description here

    if it’s not still okay, delete the asset file and add new asset file:(make sure that have a copy from previous asset file)

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    and set (image, icon, etc) it again. and make sure and check the first image I sent the Asset file name.

    note: "in XCode 15 the App icon has just one icon"

    finally, check it on your device.

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