I want to keep data as Array in firestore by using more than one textformfield in Flutter. How can I send this data as an array? (The number of data is unknown. It could be any number.)
final FirebaseFirestore _firebaseFirestore = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
class _RepairState extends State<Repair> {
String formattedDate = DateFormat('dd-MM-yyyy - kk:mm').format(DateTime.now());
Future createRepairLogs(String title, String email, String desc, String date) async {
await _firebaseFirestore.collection("Repair").doc().set({
'title': title,
'email': email,
'dateTime': date,
title will be an array. I want to have more than one data entry in the title.
Thanks for supporting.
you can convert your array to json which return string like this
then you can obtained the array back by decoding the json
change String title to List title