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I want to keep data as Array in firestore by using more than one textformfield in Flutter. How can I send this data as an array? (The number of data is unknown. It could be any number.)

final FirebaseFirestore _firebaseFirestore = FirebaseFirestore.instance;
class _RepairState extends State<Repair> {
String formattedDate = DateFormat('dd-MM-yyyy - kk:mm').format(;
Future createRepairLogs(String title, String email, String desc, String date) async {

await _firebaseFirestore.collection("Repair").doc().set({
  'title': title,
  'email': email,
  'dateTime': date,

title will be an array. I want to have more than one data entry in the title.

Thanks for supporting.



  1. you can convert your array to json which return string like this

    String jsonArray=jsonEncode(["element1", "element2", "element3"]);

    then you can obtained the array back by decoding the json

    var list=jsonDecode(jsonArray);
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  2. change String title to List title

    Future createRepairLogs(String title, String email, String desc, String date) async {
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