I am not sure what I am doing wrong here. In the below code I am setting the initialRoute dynamically based on the session status. If a session exists then I navigate the user to the conversations widgets else to the Welcome widget. But here the user is always getting directed to the Welcome widget. I see the printing the initialRoute print the expected value. Please advise.
Here is the main fn –
Future<void> main() async {
await initHiveForFlutter();
await _configureAmplify().then(
(value) async {
String initialRoute = await fetchAuthSession();
print('Initial Route - $initialRoute');
client: GraphQLInstance().graphqlInit,
child: MaterialApp(
initialRoute: initialRoute,
routes: {
'/': (BuildContext context) => const Welcome(),
'/authentication': (BuildContext context) =>
const AuthenticationController(),
'/conversations': (BuildContext context) =>
const ConversationsController(),
Here is the fetchAuthSession fn-
Future<String> fetchAuthSession() async {
final session = await AmplifyInstance().fetchAuthSession();
if (session) {
safePrint("Current User - ${AmplifyInstance().currentUser}");
return '/conversations';
return '/';
This was the way I was able to do it. Setting the home attribute of the MaterialApp conditionally.
The error seems to be caused by the await inside of ‘then()’ callback of future returned by the ‘_configureAmplify()’ causing await keyword not to be awaited by the ‘main()’ function itself, try this