I can’t access state.queryParameters during routing with Go router. In the doc the following example is given:
path: '/users',
builder: (context, state) => const UsersScreen(filter: state.queryParameters['filter']),
Here’s how I implemented the whole thing:
final GoRouter _router = GoRouter(
routes: [
path: "/",
builder: (context, state) => const Dashboard(),
routes: [
// 1. pathParameter
GoRoute(path: "profile/:name", builder: (context, state) => Profile(
name: state.pathParameters["name"]!
// 2. queryParameter
GoRoute(path: "settings", builder: (context, state) => Settings(
name: state.queryParameters['name']!
While it works fine with pathParameter, state.queryParameters cannot be accessed. I get following error message: Error: The getter 'queryParameters' isn't defined for the class 'GoRouterState'.
I use go_router: 10.1.2
. Does anyone know what to do here?
There is a breaking change on go_router v10.
You need to change like
There is a breaking change with the latest go_router packages which replaces accessing the location, queryParamters, and queryParameterAll with uri
so instead of accessing the queryParamters like this
it has been replaced with this
you can read more about it here go_router_migration_guide