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I am using provider: ^6.0.5 for state management for my flutter desktop app.

This is my Loader provider:

A simple class have 2 methods that will toggle the loaderState boolean value.

class LoaderProvider extends ChangeNotifier {
  bool loaderState = false;
  void showLoader() {
    loaderState = true;

  void hideLoader() {
    loaderState = false;

How I am registering this was :

      providers: [
        ChangeNotifierProvider(create: ((context) {
          return LoaderProvider();
      child: MaterialApp(...))

Parent widget

      builder: ((context, loaderProviderModel, child) {
      if (loaderProviderModel.loaderState) {
           print("Loader showww");
           return const LoadingIndicator();
       } else {
           print("Loader Off");
           return Container();

If I am calling by the below code in another stateful widget:

    Provider.of<LoaderProvider>(context, listen: false).showLoader();

    Provider.of<LoaderProvider>(context, listen: false).hideLoader();

It is actually triggering but the UI is not updating

i.e) The printing statements "Loader show" and "Loader off" is coming.

Note : For normal case it is working but If I have any Future builder in my another stateful widget, That time it is not working.

Am I missing anything?



  1. In cases like this I try to give my 2 widgets(LoadingIndicator() and Container() in Consumer) keys so the tree understands that one is replaced with another,
    so create 2 global key like :

    var containerKey = GlobalKey();
    var indicatorKey = GlobalKey();

    and assign them to the widget

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  2. try making listen parameter true:

    Provider.of<LoaderProvider>(context, listen: true).showLoader();
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