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I am having this issue bug image while running FLutter build apk.

Here is my pubsec.yaml files:



  1. Im experiencing the same issue from the flutter_qr_reader.

    2.11887ace67b488b9fdc91cd7519950cc2jetified-zxing-android-embedded-4.1.0-runtime.jar: R8: Type is defined multiple times:

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  2. It seems as though this is an issue with flutter_qr_reader indeed. There are several related issues open, and it seems as though this is stemming from it literally having a class with the same name as a class from one of its dependency, and the dependency has the same namespace as flutter_qr_reader, so this may be causing the clash. I would follow the guidance in this question.

    The class in flutter_qr_reader is: OpenCameraInterface.
    The class from zxing-android-embedded is: OpenCameraInterface. You can see this is a dependency of flutter_qr_reader here.

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