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I’m trying to get a percentage of a number. In some cases the numerator of the division operation could be zero.

I brought out a logical operation for this in flutter and it seems to be messing with my brain. It sometimes returns Unsupported operation: Infinity or NaN toInt. The problem is it gives me the expected result after hot reload, then when I reload again then the problem Unsupported operation comes again.

int? totalDriver = 0;
final totalCompleted =;//I got this from streamBuilder and everything is perfect here.
final percentage = ((totalCompleted! / totalDriver!) * 100).floor();//The starts from here. So I brought this logic.
if (percentage.isNaN || percentage.isInfinite) {
              return Row(
                children: [
                    width: screenWidth * 0.4,
                    child: Text(
                      style: const TextStyle(color:,
                  Text("$totalCompleted     (0%)"),
            }eles {return...}
//I also later added this logic (So in case the denominator id 0, the percentage will be infinity, so if it's infinity it should return (0%))but it still persists.
if (totalDriver == 0) {
              return Row(
                children: [
                    width: screenWidth * 0.4,
                    child: Text(
                      style: const TextStyle(color:,
                  Text("$totalCompleted     (0%)"),
            } eles {return...}

What might posible be the problem?



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Instead of

    if (totalDriver == 0) {
                  return Row(
                    children: [
                        width: screenWidth * 0.4,
                        child: Text(
                          style: const TextStyle(color:,
                      Text("$totalCancelled     (0%)"),

    I did it this way and i got a good result

    final totalCompleted =;
                int? percentage = 0;
                totalDriver == 0
                    ? percentage = 0
                    : percentage = ((totalCompleted! / totalDriver!) * 100).floor();
    return Row(children: [
                      width: screenWidth * 0.4,
                      child: Text(
                        style: const TextStyle(color:,
                    Text("$totalCompleted     ($percentage%)"),

    In this case, whether the numerator or dinomenator is zero, the percentage is always zero since zero devided by any number is zero

  2. Remove the below code;

    if (percentage.isNaN || percentage.isInfinite) {
                  return Row(
                    children: [
                        width: screenWidth * 0.4,
                        child: Text(
                          style: const TextStyle(color:,
                      Text("$totalCompleted     (0%)"),
                }eles {return...}

    Why? it’s a redundant code.

    You’re checking if totalDriver is zero before performing the division operation. This ensures that the denominator of the division operation is never zero, which would result in Infinity or NaN. Therefore, the isNaN and isInfinite checks are not necessary because you’re already handling the case where the denominator could be zero.

    This is a modified code;

    int? totalDriver = 0;
    final totalCompleted =;
    if (totalDriver == 0) {
     return Row(
       children: [
           width: screenWidth * 0.4,
           child: Text(
             style: const TextStyle(color:,
         Text("$totalCompleted    (0%)"),
    } else {
     final percentage = ((totalCompleted! / totalDriver!) * 100).floor();
     // rest of your code

    Here, if totalDriver is zero, the code will return a row with a text widget displaying "0%". If totalDriver is not zero, the code will perform the division operation and calculate the percentage.

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