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In this example I have 3 sliders, dragging one slider should update the secondary track of all the sliders

This however does not work when the sliders are wrapped with a ListView, notice how the top two tracks do not update until I mouse over them:

Slider ListView

Changing the ListView to a Column yeilds the desired behaviour:

Slider Column

Any idea how I can benefit from the virtualisation of ListView and get the on-screen items to update?

class ShareData with ChangeNotifier {
  double share;
  double shareAvailable;
  ShareData({required this.share, required this.shareAvailable});

  void setShareAvaialble(double value) {
    shareAvailable = value;

class ShareSlider extends StatefulWidget {
  const ShareSlider({super.key});
  State<ShareSlider> createState() => _ShareSliderState();

class _ShareSliderState extends State<ShareSlider> {
  late List<ShareData> _shares;

  void initState() {
    _shares = List<ShareData>.generate(3, (index) => ShareData(share: 1.0 / 3, shareAvailable: 1.0 / 3));

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ListView( //<---- Change me to Column
        children: _shares
              (s) => ListenableBuilder(
                listenable: s,
                builder: (c, o) => Slider(
                    value: s.share,
                    secondaryTrackValue: s.shareAvailable,
                    onChanged: (e) {
                      s.share = e;
                      for (int i = 0; i < _shares.length; ++i) {
                        _shares[i].setShareAvaialble(1 - e);

Expecting all 3 bars to update



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    Fixed it, in a slightly hacky way

    Using UniqueKey correctly re-renders everything on updates. However this has the side-effect of re-creating the widget the user is currently interacting - breaking dragging.

    So instead I use a ValueKey for each widget and only update the keys of the siders we are not interacting with:

    class ShareData with ChangeNotifier {
      double share;
      double shareAvailable;
      //This will store a unique key per update
      int updateKey = 0;
      ShareData({required this.share, required this.shareAvailable, required this.updateKey});
      void setShareAvaialble(double value) {
        shareAvailable = value;
    class ShareSlider extends StatefulWidget {
      final int count;
      const ShareSlider({super.key, required this.count});
      State<ShareSlider> createState() => _ShareSliderState();
    class _ShareSliderState extends State<ShareSlider> {
      late List<ShareData> _shares;
      int nonce = 0;
      void initState() {
        _shares =
            List<ShareData>.generate(3, (index) => ShareData(share: 1.0 / 3, shareAvailable: 1.0 / 3, updateKey: nonce++));
      Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return ListView.builder(
          itemCount: _shares.length,
          itemBuilder: (ctx, index) => ListenableBuilder(
            listenable: _shares[index],
            builder: (c, o) => Slider(
                //Use the update key here
                key: ValueKey(_shares[index].updateKey),
                value: _shares[index].share,
                secondaryTrackValue: _shares[index].shareAvailable,
                onChanged: (e) {
                  _shares[index].share = e;
                  for (int i = 0; i < _shares.length; ++i) {
                    //Update the key of the other siders except the slider we're interacting with
                    if (i != index) _shares[i].updateKey = nonce++;
                    _shares[i].setShareAvaialble(1 - e);

  2. You’re changing State without calling setState. Fix that first.

    My theory:

    • It works when it’s a column, because the slider updates, causing the column it’s in to update as well.

    • It fails in a ListView because the items of a ListView are separately considered, and so the item holding the slider is refreshed, but the neighbors aren’t.

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