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I have two functions where the first one is supposed to return the records for this month and the second one is suppsoed to return the records from last month, but they are both returning the records for this month.

static Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> getThisMonthItems() async {
    final db = await SQLHelper.db(); //get connection
    DateTime now =;
    String query =
        "SELECT * FROM sets WHERE date BETWEEN datetime('now', 'start of month', 'start of day') AND datetime('now', 'localtime');";
    return db.rawQuery(query);

static Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> getLastMonthtems() async {
    final db = await SQLHelper.db(); //get connection
    String query =
        "SELECT * FROM sets WHERE date BETWEEN datetime('now','start of month','-1 month') AND datetime('now','localtime', 'start of month');";

    return db.rawQuery(query);

And here is the schema:

static Future<void> createTables(sql.Database database) async {
    await database.execute("""CREATE TABLE sets(
        exercise_name TEXT,
        total_weight TEXT,
        total_reps TEXT,
        is_favorite INTEGER)""");
    print('Database created');

I was expecting the first function to return sets from this month and the second function to return sets from the last month up until the start of this month. Also, sets from the first day of the month are not getting returning in either function.

Method to insert record into database:

//method to create an item to insert into the database table
static Future<int> createItem(
    String exercise_name,
    String? total_weight,
    String? total_reps,
) async {
    DateTime now =;
    String formattedDate = DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd').format(now);
    final db = await SQLHelper.db(); //opening the database
    final data = {
      'exercise_name': exercise_name,
      'total_weight': total_weight,
      'total_reps': total_reps,
      'date': formattedDate,
      'is_favorite': 0
    }; //making map to insert
    final id = await db.insert(
        //inserting that data map
        data, //items is table name and data is the map we made
        conflictAlgorithm: sql
            .ConflictAlgorithm.replace); //best practice to prevent duplicates
    return id;



  1. This is the original question of the OP:

    "I have two functions where the first one is supposed to return the
    records for this month and the second one is suppsoed to return the
    records from last month, but they are both returning the records for
    this month."

    Welcome to StackOverflow. Did you do you a SELECT query to first retrieve few records to examine your datetime stamps?
    I am also guessing date column name is a keyword in SQLLite. You may want to check it and change the column name.

    Here’s what your current DATE BETWEEN clauses in the query produce in terms of dates format. I used a SQLFiddle with sample data with SQLLite(SQL.js) version. Click here to see the SQLFiddle. (Next time you can use that to create, insert your sample tables and your query.)

    /*datetime(datetimestring, [modifier1, modifier2…, modifierN])*/
    SELECT datetime('now') as 'Current date & time';
    Current date & time
    2023-05-03 12:18:46
    SELECT datetime('now', 'start of month', 'start of day'), 
    datetime('now', 'localtime')
    datetime('now', 'start of month', 'start of day')   
    2023-05-01 00:00:00     
    datetime('now', 'localtime')
    2023-05-03 22:18:46
    SELECT datetime('now','start of month','-1 month'),
    datetime('now','localtime', 'start of month')
    datetime('now','start of month','-1 month')     
    2023-04-01 00:00:00
    datetime('now','localtime', 'start of month')
    2023-05-01 00:00:00
    Therefore it was formatted to your schema dateformat; it seems to produce 
    records without an issue. I am only looking at your dateformat.*/
    WHERE datetime(sdate) BETWEEN
    datetime('now','start of month','-1 month') AND
    datetime('now','localtime', 'start of month')
    /*last month to current month. Note my date format*/
    sid     tid     sdate       moneyD  moneyC
    1       21      2023-04-25  1000    0
    2       22      2023-05-01  0       100
    WHERE datetime(sdate) BETWEEN
    datetime('now', 'start of month', 'start of day') AND 
    datetime('now', 'localtime')
    /*current month*/
    sid     tid     sdate       moneyD  moneyC
    2       22      2023-05-01  0       100

    Funny enough, date is a reserved word/keyword in sqllite too. See this post

    Other part of the OP’s question:

    "I was expecting the first function to return sets from this month and the second function to return sets from the last month up until the start of this month, also sets from the first day of the month are not getting returning in either function"

    Here’s the update after much of comments:

    /*update to to include last day of the last month in the select query: 'now','start of month','-1 day*/`

    SELECT datetime('now','start of month','-1 month'),
    datetime('now','start of month','-1 day')
    datetime('now','start of month','-1 month')
    2023-04-01 00:00:00         
    datetime('now','start of month','-1 day')
    2023-04-30 00:00:00
    WHERE datetime(sdate) BETWEEN
    datetime('now','start of month','-1 month') AND
    datetime('now','start of month','-1 day')
    sid     tid     sdate       moneyD  moneyC
    1       21      2023-04-25  1000    0

    Final two cents: Please keep the dates consistent and always refer to the definitions of the SQL platform you use for your schema. Show a sample of your table data and output results and expected data.

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  2. question isn’t super clear, but i’ll try to help.

    SQLite does not have an official datetime type. Instead, it stores dates and times as TEXT, REAL or INTEGER values using Date and Time Functions.
    As far as i can see your schema is using TEXT as ISO8601 strings (“YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS”).

    Let’s use the following data as a test.

    id exercise_name total_weight total_reps date is_favorite
    1 current month exercise 0 0 2023-05-01 00:00:00 0
    2 last month exercise 0 0 2023-04-01 00:00:00 0
    3 very old exercise 0 0 2023-01-01 00:00:00 0

    Executing the following raw SQL commands should return desired data.


    SELECT exercise_name, date(date), time(date) FROM sets WHERE date BETWEEN datetime("2023-04-01") AND datetime("2023-04-30")
    exercise_name date(date) time(date)
    last month exercise 2023-04-01 00:00:00


    SELECT exercise_name, date(date), time(date) FROM sets WHERE date BETWEEN datetime("2023-05-01") AND datetime("2023-05-31")
    exercise_name date(date) time(date)
    current month exercise 2023-05-01 00:00:00


    SELECT exercise_name, date(date), time(date) FROM sets WHERE date BETWEEN datetime(datetime_start) AND datetime(datetime_end)

    With static values is obvious, now you can try to execute above statement in yor code to see the outcome. If the outcome is wrong, probably the parameters datetime_start and datetime_end are just wrong. If your application runs under different timezones consider applying a Locale/Globalization based on your language offerings. You can give to the parameters any ISO8601 valid string.

    Hope it helps,

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