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Im used to sql queries but im little confused how to get data from my database from one column. Here the example to get all items(include all columns):

 // Read all items (journals)
  static Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> getItems() async {
    final db = await SQLHelper.db();
    return db.query('items', orderBy: "id");

In the database are few columns where one is named title. I did see something about rawQuery but i can not find any good examples of that, also i think that is not used much.

But what is the best way in the example above to get data from only the title column?



  1. return db.rawQuery("select title from items");

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  2. No need to rawQuery to serve your task.
    You can follow the below process.

    await db.query('yourTableName', columns: ["yourDesiredColumn"]);

    Example based on your purpose.(Without rawQuery)

    await db.query('yourTableName', columns: ["title"]);

    Example based on your purpose.(With rawQuery)

    await db.rawQuery('SELECT title FROM yourTableName');

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