I have a StateProvider defined in a file (separated from any class) as follow :
final XYProvider = StateProvider<List<double>>((ref) ( return [0.0,0.0]));
it gets updated like this (for the most part) :
ref.read(XYPosProvider.notifier).state[0] =
(ref.read(currentXPosProvider.notifier).state -
ref.read(initialXPosProvider.notifier).state) *
80000 +
And in another file I want to call a method when the value is updated using
ref.listen() :
void userPositionNodesMaker(List<double>? XYPos) {
bool isInBoundaries(var _) {
return _ > 0 && _ < (iMazeLength - 1);
setState(() {
if (isInBoundaries(XYPos[0].round()) &&
isInBoundaries(XYPos[1].round())) {
ref.listen(XYPosProvider, (List<double>? prev, List<double>? next) {
This is placed in the Widget build of this ConsumerStatefulWidget and I dont under stand why it does not triggers. I have a button inside this Widget printing the value of XYPosProvider showing that it is well updated and acessed in my widget but still nothing happens in the ref.listen
Tried Notification but I did not have sucess trying to create a custom one instead of ScrollNotifications. Im looking on ChnageNotifier as an alternative for the moment but still I can’t figure out why ref.listen wouldn’t work.
As suggested I switched to StateNotifierProvider and it works just fine Here what I modified :
bit more heavy but really usefull even when updating it looks like this now :
ref.read(xyPosProvider.notifier).updatePosition(x, y);
Your problem is that you have to change the state of collections in an immutable way. For example, it goes like this: