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It’s my first post here.
I’m struggling with a Stripe integration in a Flutter project and can’t find any other similar issue or problem on the web.
I’m using flutter Bloc and Stripe.

Once I run the function await Stripe.instance.presentPaymentSheet(); and try to fake a payement with the credit card 42424 42424 42424 42424. I have the above error:

[] Unhandled Exception: type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'Map<String, dynamic>?'
#0      MethodChannelStripe.presentPaymentSheet
<asynchronous suspension>
#1      Stripe.presentPaymentSheet
<asynchronous suspension>

I’m creating the payment intent in my backend and everything seems to be fine with this part in my Stripe Dashboard

Here is a short reproduction of my code:


  bloc: ^8.0.0
  flutter_bloc: ^8.0.0
  flutter_stripe: ^9.3.0


class StripeBloc extends Bloc<StripeEvent, StripeState> {
  StripeBloc() : super(const StripeState()) {

  void _onRequestedStripePaymentEvent(RequestedStripePaymentEvent event,
      Emitter<StripeState> emit) async {
    try {
      final Map<String, dynamic>? paymentIntent = await createPaymentIntent();
      await Stripe.instance.initPaymentSheet(
          paymentSheetParameters: SetupPaymentSheetParameters(

        paymentIntentClientSecret: paymentIntent?['client_secret'],
      await Stripe.instance.presentPaymentSheet();
    } on StripeException catch (e) {
      if (e.error.code == FailureCode.Canceled) {}
      if (e.error.code == FailureCode.Failed ||
          e.error.code == FailureCode.Timeout) {
    } finally {


Future<Map<String, dynamic>?> createPaymentIntent() async {
  try {
    var response =
        await postAPIAuthenticated('path');
    return jsonDecode(response.body);
  } catch (err) {
    throw Exception(err);

Hope guys could help me 🙂 Thanks

I already try to make my code as minimal as possible.
I also try to call the stripe API directly in my front end and still get the same error so I think my backend is not involved in this



  1. Chosen as BEST ANSWER

    It seems that the error is version related.

    An issues had just been raised on Github:!

  2. The error means that your response is actually a list and not a map. In other words, the response is like [ ... ] and not { ... }. Maybe the expected map is actually the first element in the list. If so this maybe can fix it:

    Future<Map<String, dynamic>?> createPaymentIntent() async {
      try {
        var response =
            await postAPIAuthenticated('path');
        return jsonDecode(response.body)[0]; //notice I added [0] here
      } catch (err) {
        throw Exception(err);

    If this doesn’t fix it I suggest you print the response to see what actual response you get and go from there

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  3. For the past 2 days, the problem has been reported numerous times on the GitHub repository of the flutter_stripe package:

    It seems to be due to a problem with version 9.3.0. A downgrade to 9.2.2 solves the problem. For the rest, we’ll probably have to wait for Stripe to resolve it internally.

    Hope it helps you !

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