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My project uses a package structure using melos. I have a package ui_components which includes ui kit and assets. Assets contains folders with images for different features: game, icons, portfolio, etc.

I also have the package game. It takes images from ui_components/assets/game. But some images are not loaded:

Another exception was thrown: Unable to load asset: "assets/game/idv_short.webp".

Dir ui_components/assets/game is new. If I move the images from games to other pre-existing folders, such as portfolio, then the images load fine.
In the ui_components package in pubspec.yaml I specified:

  uses-material-design: true
    - assets/game/

In the game package I imported:

ui_components: 0.0.1

In packages/ui_components/lib/generated/assets.gen.dart all fine:

  /// File path: assets/game/idv_short.webp
  AssetGenImage get idvShort => 
      const AssetGenImage('assets/game/idv_short.webp');

How I use it:

    image: DecorationImage(
        image: AssetImage(Assets.weeksGame.idvShort.path),
            fit: BoxFit.cover,

What am I missing?



  1. There might be a few things to check and ensure for the assets to be loaded properly. I will suggest some steps to troubleshoot and resolve the issue:

    1. Ensure Correct Path in pubspec.yaml:
      Make sure the path specified in the pubspec.yaml of the ui_components package is correct and includes the assets/game/ directory.

        uses-material-design: true
          - assets/game/
    2. Check for Typos:
      Ensure there are no typos in the paths specified in the pubspec.yaml and the code where you are using the assets.

    3. Run flutter pub get:
      After making changes to the pubspec.yaml, run flutter pub get to ensure the changes are applied.

    4. Verify Asset Path in generated/assets.gen.dart:
      Ensure that the generated file assets.gen.dart correctly reflects the path to the asset.

      /// File path: assets/game/idv_short.webp
      AssetGenImage get idvShort => 
          const AssetGenImage('assets/game/idv_short.webp');
    5. Check for Correct Usage in Code:
      Ensure that you are using the asset correctly in your code.

    6. Ensure Assets are Included in the Build:
      Make sure that the assets are included in the build process. Sometimes, assets might not be copied correctly if the paths are not specified properly.

    7. Check for Platform-Specific Issues:
      Sometimes, platform-specific issues might cause assets not to load. Ensure that the assets are correctly formatted and supported on the target platform (e.g., .webp files might have specific requirements).

    8. Clean and Rebuild:
      Run flutter clean and then flutter build to ensure that the build process includes all the assets correctly.

    By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue.

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  2. Try adding your assets this way:


        - assets/images/ic_app_logo.png
        - assets/images/ic_app_logo_new.png
        - assets/images/ic_attachment.png
        - assets/images/ic_close.png


                          child: const Image(
                              fit: BoxFit.contain,

    and To load an image from a package(ui_components) dependency, the package argument must be provided to AssetImage.

     const AssetImage('assets/game/ic_app_logo.png', package: 'ui_components');
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