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I’m using a Riverpod NotifierProvider with a List of data objects as the data source.

class FooData {
  final int data1;
  final String data2;
  final String data3;

  FooData({this.data1 = 0, this.data2 = "", this.data3 = "",});

  FooData copyWith({int? data1, String? data2, String? data3,}) {
    return FooData(data1: data1 ?? this.data1, data2: data2 ?? this.data2, data3: data3 ??    this.data3); 

final foodataListProvider = NotifierProvider<FooDataListNotifier, List<FooData>>(;

class FooDataListNotifier extends Notifier<List<FooData>> {
  void addFooData(FooData input) {
    state = [...state, input];

  void updateFooAt(int index, {int? data1, String? data2, String? data3}) {
    //This is where I'm not sure what exactly what I need to do to update the state
    //while maintaining the immutability for the list.
      data1: data1 ?? state[index].data1,
      data2: data2 ?? state[index].data2, 
      data3: data3 ?? state[index].data3,);
    state = [...state];


The addFooData method works as expected but I am unable to update the items in the list with the provider.

In my ConsumerWidget I am accessing it by using final provider =;
for the provider and final notifier =; for the notifier.
Then in an onPressed in a ElevatedButton I access it like this notifier.updateFooAt(index, data1: "New Data");

I have tried different updateFooAt implementations like

FooData data = state[index]; 
data.copyWith(data1: data1); 
state = [...state, data];


List<FooData> dataList = state; 
dataList[index].copyWith(data1: data1); 
state = [...dataList];

I’ve also accessed it in the onPressed using, data1: "New Data");

When I debug I see that there are new FooData’s added to the list but when I try to update them they keep the data from addFooData, they don’t update.

I looked at this solution but it uses a list inside the data object. Not that I’m opposed to that but I’d like to figure out how to do it with my setup. A few other questions have given me ideas but not solved the problem.



  1. Notifier<List<SomeType>> is troublesome. All updates must be accompanied by a call to ref.notifyListeners(). That will solve your immediate problem, but consider using an IList (fast immutable collections) or a custom list-holder class instead to make it immutable.

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  2. try using ConsumerStatefulWidget instead of ConsumerWidget

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